1. Make money online

Journal Club 05-26-23 – Passive Income MD

Journal Club here 05-26-23! Every week, I put one Journal Club. After filtering articles on the web, I am presenting a few that impacted my life this week Stay safe and stay well!

  • Timing your retirement date is arguably one of the most challenging decisions when planning for early retirement. do you agree Does a gradual decline in inflation and a rising stock market in 2023 give those preparing for retirement a good chance to pull the trigger? White coat investors Share their thoughts on the topic in the article – Is now a good time to retire?
  • Many financial education sources available today will define FIRE as identifying your total annual expenses, then saving 25 times that number, and living off 4% of your portfolio each year after your retirement. According to its author The four pillars of freedom, this is not an optimal way for most people In fact, there are many ways to achieve FIRE and make your financial journey more enjoyable as you reach that milestone. Interested in learning more? The author shares more about this in the post – A modern approach to financial freedom.
  • Investing in the stock market is considered one of the easiest ways for beginners to get started in the investment game. per Bankers on fire, if you are disciplined about saving and investing consistently, you can soon feel the magic of compound interest working for you. Further, the author explains the math behind the incredible returns you will see over the long term in the article – When your money makes more money than you.
  • Managing to sock away your first $100k is a significant achievement; Hello! But now, what do you do with that amount? Does it make sense to park it in your savings account? Or make your money work for you? If you choose the latter, which strategy will provide the best return? its author Good egg investment Takes a closer look at the question and shares his perspective in the post – What to do with $100k in cash – savings vs. Real estate investment.

Read any interesting articles? We’d love it if you could take a moment to share them in the comments below!

Thank you for reading and sharing,


Disclaimer: The topics presented in this article are provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult your team of professionals.

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