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8 Online Jobs Without An Investment

There are tons of online jobs that don't require a significant investment to start!  Here are 8 work-at-home jobs that might work for you.Many times, when you are just starting your work-at-home career, you don’t have any money to invest in adventure. Customer service jobs are widely available, but what if you don’t have a headset and can’t afford one? (That’s why you need a job, after all, to pay for things like headsets and bills and cat food.) These jobs also often require a landline, and it seems most of us skate by with a cell phone. day

Well, I’m here to tell you not to worry – there are tons of options available to you that don’t require any significant investment on your part to get started! Let’s go through 8 jobs that might work for you.

1. Freelance writing

We’re starting with the most obvious one – as long as you have brains and good language skills, you’re all set to become a freelance writer. Yes, you’ll need a computer to be able to do this from home, but that’s true of any remote job – and I’m working under the assumption that you have at least one laptop. With writing, this is what you need; You don’t even have to buy any special word processing software these days! There is plenty of freeware on the market that integrates well with Microsoft Word, so you don’t have to, even if your clients use Microsoft products. You can use Google Docs or LibreOffice.

Where to find writing jobs: Check FlexJobs or this larger list.

2. Editing or proofreading

Starting with the freelance writing above, you can offer your services as an editor or proofreader without the need for any special equipment. You can use the same freeware I mentioned above, and it’s something you can do from a tablet if you don’t have access to a home PC or laptop. Beyond that, all you need is an excellent command of English grammar and spelling (or proficiency in the language you’re proofreading and editing). Depending on what you’re editing, you need to understand what makes a good story or how to make a compelling argument. However, though, it’s more about brain power and knowledge than all the tools.

Where to find editing jobs: Check out companies like Scribendi And Proofreading Services.com.

3. Social media management

Brands of every size need someone to manage their social media these days, and it costs nothing to have a manager. All you need is a solid understanding of the various social media services and how they work – get familiar with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn to get a robust offering of services. Your job can be made easier by having access to certain scheduling apps that may require a subscription fee, but that’s a bill your clients foot (although, sure, you can pay for it yourself and then add a surcharge to your fee. ). However, there are free alternatives to scheduling apps! Sprout Social and Edgar can be pretty powerful, but Buffer and Hootsuite offer great support for free!

Where to Find Social Media Management Jobs: Check out FlexJobs.

4. Online Moderation

Where brands and companies interact with customers and fans online, there is plenty of room for negative comments, abuse or other unwanted interactions. To protect the community from bad behavior, moderators are needed: they monitor comments on websites and social media, check the brand’s reputation on social media, respond to happy and unhappy customers, make sure the rules are followed… and it all takes you Time (as with any task). You don’t need any special equipment, and your client only needs to login to any software or app you need to do the job.

Where to find moderator jobs: Try companies like ModSquad, ICUCor lithium.

5. Search Engine or Ad Evaluation

With so much commerce happening online these days, it’s important for search engines that their search processes are optimized and working properly – it’s equally important that they make sure their ads are relevant and effective too. Search engines or ad evaluators perform internet searches as instructed and evaluate the results – guess what you need to do this? Nothing you will pay for that! (In addition to a home computer and Internet access you should already have, of course.) All you need is an Internet browser.

Where to Find Search Engine or Ad Evaluator Jobs: Go after location with Leapforce, Lionbridgeor Appen.

6. Research

There are companies out there that want your research skills – which is especially great for recent college students who have recently practiced research! You can find both companies and individuals who need help tracking data and making that information easily readable – and understandable! – form. You’ll find that you can do pretty extensive and in-depth research on the Internet these days, especially if you’re researching popular topics or trends in certain product types. And when you’re paying to use nothing but the Internet and your research and writing skills, you’re learning something new.

Where to find research jobs: Wonder is often hiring, or you can check Flexjobs.

7. Coding (Computer Programming)

If you know any programming language – from SQL and Java to Python and C++, there’s a remote job for you! And it doesn’t require more than the computer and internet access you already have You’ll definitely need a code editor, but there are plenty of freeware options out there – on Windows, you can use Notepad++ While on a Chromebook, you’ll use Carat. At some point, you’ll probably need a compiler or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to translate your source code into machine language, and you’ll find some excellent freeware options to support you in that – from Dev-C++ per Paydev And more, depending on what you’re coding.

Where to find coding jobs: Search for Dice or Flexjob.

8. Virtual Assistant

Do you know what a virtual assistant does? If you’re thinking “basically everything”, then you’re right! Sometimes “basically everything” may require some special equipment but, more often than not, it doesn’t. You can call clients, set up appointments, compose emails, write blog posts, conduct online research, update social media accounts and more without your computer and internet connection. (Yes, being a virtual assistant can lead to many of the jobs listed above.) If your clients need something more specific, they often have accounts with paid software that you can use to get the job done – at no cost to you.

Where to Find Virtual Assistant Jobs: Look within the company Worldwide101vicky virtual, time etcAnd fancy hands.

Ready to start that home-based workflow now? Good! Hit the ground running, and you’ll have an income in no time – with no investment on your part. Drop in the comments now and tell me all about it!

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