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ChatGPT Cheat Sheet: Your Guide to Creating Effective Prompts

ChatGPT has more than 100 million users, but most of them are not using the breakthrough AI properly. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your ChatGPT with this easy-to-use AI cheat sheet for work, life, and everything in between!

Want to know more about ChatGPT? Watch this video from our YouTube channel, Passive Income MD!
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Passive Income MD – AI Mid Week Mastery: ChatGPT

Is there a “right” way to use ChatGPT?

You are not far when you thought that ChatGPT is just typing a command and then you can get what you want However, you probably know very well that most of the time it fails to deliver.

Disappointed with the results, you try again (and again) Until it gets to the point where you’re so frustrated because you’re not getting the results you want. Now you’re working instead of the AI!

But why? We talked about prompts in a previous blog post. But did you know that there is more to ChatGPT than meets the eye? Let’s dive a little deeper into how you can take your ChatGPT experience to the next level by creating the prompts you need to get the results you want.

“ChatGPT is an exciting technology that has the potential to transform the way we communicate with machines.”

Andrew Ng, Founder of DeepLearning.ai

The basic structure of a ChatGPT prompt

If you’re new to prompts, it might be worth your while to read our AI Prompt Generator for ChatGPT article.

Basically, a prompt is a clever way for users to interact with the AI ​​to get more accurate results. Here is the basic structure of a prompt so you can understand it better.

The basic structure of a ChatGPT prompt

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Step 1: Act as an introduction

There are a ton of roles you can choose from, including but not limited to your choices above. You can choose the AI ​​for virtually anything you can think of, but for this example, let’s go with the classics “Marketer”.

You can start using ChatGPT-3.5 or now ChatGPT-4, but we recommend using the latter as it is newly updated and more powerful in getting results.

We can add something along the lines of…

“I want you to work as an experienced marketer”

Step 2: Create a task

Now that the role of AI has been identified, we can now tell the machine what we want it to do. ChatGPT, for now at least, is strong in content creation, so let’s focus on that and add it to the phrase we wrote earlier.

“I want you to work as an experienced marketer. Write me a blog post on how to use ChatGPT in the office.”

Step 3: Show as Format

Of course, you can choose to be more specific about the blog. AI can discuss topics like “Power of ChatGPT”, “How to use ChatGPT for work” and more. Your only limit is the prompts you provide.

AI uses the information you give to be more accurate. So it’s useful to add whatever little details you want to your output.

“I want you to work as an experienced marketer. Write me a blog post about how to use ChatGPT in a physician real estate investor’s office.”

Once that’s done, the next step is to pick a format. In this example, we’ll go with “Summary”.

“I want you to work as an experienced marketer. Write me a blog post about how to use ChatGPT in a physician real estate investor’s office.
Show it as a summary.”

Customize your results

Congratulations! It was easy, wasn’t it? And we bet you got better results than your previous command. The best part is that it took you less than 2 minutes to get what you wanted in the first place.

Here is the final result of the command we created based on the prompt:

The final result of the chatgpt prompt

Final result of chatgpt prompt, Click here to get our full ChatGPT cheat sheet.

This is a cropped version of the whole thing, but we find this result very satisfying because it is complete with keywords, a summary, and important information needed for a strong article.

If it feels lacking in any way, feel free to customize it further by adding relevant information to your prompt. You can add what the industry is, the state you’re in, and some sales pitch for your product or service.

“I want you to work as an experienced marketer. Write me a blog post about how to use ChatGPT in a physician real estate investor’s office. Show it as a summary. Include a call to action for information and communications specifically for those who live in California [company name].

Last thoughts….

ChatGPT is a wonder for anyone who uses it properly. It’s fast, convenient and very on-the-go for those of us who want to use our time to focus on other things.

You can’t use it strictly for work only. Use it to arrange your dinner date at the current trending restaurant in your city. Find a vacation spot that includes top-rated roller coasters to keep your teens entertained. Create a schedule for your goals, plan to run the Boston Marathon, plan gluten-free meals with a grocery list, etc.

The possibilities are immense and the results may even surprise you!

Just make sure to use ChatGPT cheat sheet Time to place your order!

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