1. Tips and Tricks

Leaderboard Secrets: Top Affiliate Marketer Tips

I have a shameful secret. I’m a leaderboard addict. Maybe it’s my competitive side getting the best of me. Maybe I don’t have enough excitement in my day-to-day work life. That scratch marks. That is certainly not the case. It’s definitely competitive. However, when I see “leaderboard competitions” for my favorite launches, I break out the coffee and whiteboard for a serious strategy session. Start the game!

A good leaderboard competition can pay off in spades. I received cash bonuses, gift cards, exercise equipment, a Fitbit and more. A recent affiliate contest awarded me over $6,000 in cash and prize bonuses. This does not include my earned commissions of over $13,000. $19,000+ isn’t too bad for an 8-day open cart sale, if I do say so myself. And for that matter I promote as an affiliate. It wasn’t even my own product. And let’s not forget that I preach only one thing. My blog earned regular passive income along with this promotion.

(Bonus: I didn’t invest a dime in Facebook ads to get these results.)

If you’re interested in upping your affiliate game, leave your email address below for instant access to my top tips.

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