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The Work-From-Home Movement: What Works for You?

Thousands of independent contractors, who can faithfully represent brands and serve customers well, are in high demand.  Do you have the qualifications for this job?This post was contributed by Working Solutions, a popular company that offers work-from-home customer service roles. Check out their site For current openings and requirements.

The remote workforce is the new normal. Corporate constraints no longer define how and where work is done. This flexibility frees employers and workers, if they prepare for it and execute.

Global Workplace Analysis The number of people who regularly work from home increased by 103% between 2005 and 2016. It is estimated that 3.7 million employees work there at least half the time. And this number does not include self-employment.

In this brave new world, companies look for brave new employees. Those with highly sought-after, industry-specific skills. The contact center services industry is one such market. Here, thousands of independent contractors, who can faithfully represent brands and serve customers well, are in high demand.

Having a work-from-home mindset

Those considering working from home need to ask themselves if they have the necessary personality, skills and discipline. “The trick to working from home effectively is self-awareness,” writes one author Fast Company Articles“Do you have the right personality to work from home?”

He points out that it doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert—or what your type is. More about learning to adapt your personality to this fluid work environment.

Working from home obviously requires self-discipline because there’s no one looking over your shoulder and prodding you – at least not physically. But beyond personality are skills, experience and qualifications.

In a recent study, the Harvard Business Review (HBR) Global customer service industry review. HBR reports that, among different service representative profiles, customers want someone who can control situations and get things done. These are the controllers. But the most common type—and the one managers prefer—is the empath, someone who likes to listen and help others.

Do your due diligence

Obviously, there are many scams in work from home opportunities. But aside from these scams, be aware that some legitimate opportunities ask for a monthly fee or payment for training. And some don’t.

Establishing the validity of the job is the first step in your search. You should investigate a company’s culture. Find out how employees and contractors are treated. Find out if the work style fits your lifestyle.

glass door, a reputable company review site, is a great place to find some of this information. For example, Reviews recently rated contact center services provider Working Solutions up to four stars based on its culture and values, work-life balance and senior leadership.

A place that invests in you

A company that values ​​its remote workforce wants to be in business for the long term. This includes investing in staff recruitment, onboarding and ongoing development.

For its part, workable solutions Consumes a lot of energyAs well as capital, finding the right agents for the job, developing their skills and ensuring they are ready to serve a client’s customers.

We engage agents through online instruction, role playing and gamification. Our portal, VYNE, keeps agents in touch with each other and management. In addition, CEO Kim Howlon conducts YouTube business updates and regional meetings throughout the year. All to make the agents successful in their work.

Combined cultural values

Perhaps the most important factor in deciding where to work is a company’s culture. Especially in a virtual workplace, where culture makes all the difference in a home worker’s satisfaction and success.

If considering a work-from-home position, ask if a call center is more interested in simply filling seats—or becoming an extension of the client’s brand. If it is only the warm body, morale is affected. as HBR quote A retail company service leader: “We’re not running a contact center here. It’s like a factory of sorrow.”

But if a company’s culture is based on care, everyone wins. Howlon, founder of Working Solutions, explains: “If you show and feel genuine interest in your team or community, you immediately gain respect from clients and other team members. You will also increase business results and the team will be honestly happy with each other’s success.”

There, doing that

Talking to others who have experienced an opportunity that interests you can speak volumes. They can detail not only the job, but also what it’s like to work for their company.

Here are some interview excerpts from an agent and an academic who enjoy their jobs as remote workers for Working Solutions.

Anally Finds fulfillment in working solutions, where her experience in healthcare, communications and consumer services is valuable. When asked why he joined the company, he quickly replied: “They know your name, you’re not a number. They care about your welfare and train you to succeed.” Annalee said project managers check her and ask about family. And he even exchanges Christmas presents with other agents he’s never met. That support and care the client carries through his work with customers.

jennifer, an elementary school teacher, just had her first baby and decided to stay home. Soon, he realized he had to find another job. Browsing a site for work-at-home moms, Jennifer found a list of contact center positions—and applied for them. After hearing from Working Solutions, she called her mom and said it sounded like a dream job. Jennifer worked primarily as an independent contractor and online trainer. Now an employee, he has worked for the company for more than 11 years, teaching agents and designing curriculum—all from home.

Whether it’s a profile posted on a corporate site or a review on Glassdoor, it pays to learn directly from employee experience and perspective. Better to make an informed decision about choosing the most suitable work from home.

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