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Top Virtual Assistant Services for 2016

A lot of exciting things are going on right now.  It's a great time to be a virtual assistant!Update: Are you looking for top virtual assistant services? Check out this list of virtual assistant services to offer.

Every year I like to put together a list of the top virtual assistant services for the upcoming year, along with expert predictions of what’s trending and what’s to come in the online marketing world. A lot of exciting things are going on right now. It’s a great time to be a VA!

Blogging Assistant

With more women finding success through blogging, I’m seeing more and more requests for blog support. This service area can encompass many things. If you enjoy variety, this could be a great gig for you – provided you have the necessary skills, of course.

On Demand Blogging Services

  • Write, upload and schedule posts
  • Comment moderation
  • Reaching out to advertisers
  • Advertising management
  • Email management
  • Social media marketing
  • Increase social following and engagement
  • advice
  • picture made
  • Monetization Optimization

Social media management

The fact that social media is getting “harder” to master is good news for freelance service providers. When it’s not as simple as throwing up a link and seeing likes and comments and shares, people turn to us And if you have the skills, tools and a strong social media strategy, you’re in business.

Video editing and promotion

We’ve been hearing “this is the year for video” for what seems like years now. There is no doubt that video marketing is growing in popularity and we have recently seen the huge potential of live streaming through Blab, Vine, Meerkat, Periscope and Facebook.

As content marketers and business owners, we don’t want these little masterpieces to fade into oblivion. We want to preserve and restore them whenever possible. This opens up an area for service providers such as transcribing videos, uploading them to additional platforms or embedding them on a website, answering questions and sharing links during live streams, blocking trolls, welcoming and thanking viewers, requesting shares, Encourage calls to action, advice and more.

Suggested resources

Email Marketing

Those who thought they could go it alone on social media are finally waking up to the fact that they need more control over their conversations and sales channels. More and more advertising dollars are being spent funneling people onto email lists. More time and effort is being put into automation and content upgrades. This is the one service and marketing area I’m most excited for in 2016!

Email marketing service packages can be very broad or very specific depending on your expertise. Common services such as newsletter content creation, scheduling, split testing and analytics are required. There is also huge demand for more specialized VAs dealing specifically with LeadPages, ConvertKit, content upgrades, automation and drip campaigns. If you have experience with a particular *hot* platform like LeadPages, Seva, AWeber or Mailchimp, promote it. Clients are willing to pay more for premium service packages to deal with the platforms they use – or want to use.

Social media advertising

It’s old news that most social media platforms have turned the corner towards paid advertising The good news for business owners is that, for now, running ads on Facebook and Pinterest is cheap and effective when done right However, this can be time consuming and there is always a learning curve. That makes this area perfect for outsourcing.

Recommended resources for Facebook advertising

Recommended resources for Pinterest advertising

I’d love to hear some of your service needs forecast for 2016. And if you need a little help with your virtual assistant business, check out this free 5-day client challenge.

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