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Why pet insurance won’t cover pre-existing conditions (and what to do about it)

You are a healthy dog!
Pet insurance providers usually won’t cover pre-existing conditions.

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Pet insurance can act as a lifeline when the unexpected happens. Whether it’s an accident, surgery or illness you can potentially save a lot of money by paying a small monthly premium to the right pet insurance provider (Pet insurance costs Usually from $30 to $70 per month.

Compared to paying out-of-pocket for medical procedures and unexpected vet visits, Pet insurance Could be a cheaper option.

But if your pet has a pre-existing condition, it usually won’t qualify for coverage. We’ll dive deeper into the pre-existing condition conversation below and explore ways to prevent it as well.

If you’re in the market for pet insurance, get started now by getting a free price quote.

Why pet insurance won’t cover pre-existing conditions

Pet insurance providers will deny coverage for animals Predefined conditions. And “a pre-existing condition is any injury or illness that occurs or shows symptoms before coverage begins or during the waiting period,” says Pet Insurer Spot. their website.

In other words, if you’re considering buying pet insurance and your pet is currently sick or injured, you likely won’t qualify for coverage. If your pet gets sick or injured during their time without coverage, it will make you responsible for any vet bills. And while pet insurance already requires you to cover up-front costs for vet visits, you won’t get reimbursed for those fees, unless you get a policy.

Pet insurance Companies would end up losing money if all pet owners could opt out of buying insurance unless they felt it was absolutely necessary (in case of illness or accidental injury to their pet).

In other words, this model will leave owners with the option of canceling their insurance once pets Get better (and potentially reapply at a later date if they need veterinary treatment).

What can you do about it?

You’ll have a few options to avoid pre-existing condition exclusions. For one, you can purchase pet insurance before your pet suffers an illness or injury. This is a more proactive approach to covering your animal and will improve your chances of getting approved for comprehensive coverage.

But if your pet has a pre-existing condition, don’t worry. Pet insurance Not completely off the table. If the condition or injury is curable or temporary, you may be able to reapply for coverage, depending on your provider.

Spot pet insurance, for example, will cover your pets once they are properly treated.

“However, with plans offered by SPOT, this does not mean future coverage cannot be provided if the condition is curable,” notes the insurer. “An injury or illness that is curable, incurable, and free of treatment and symptoms for 180 days, excluding knee and ligament conditions, will no longer be considered pre-existing. If a knee or ligament condition occurs before the coverage becomes effective date or waiting period, Any future ones will not be covered.”

It’s also important to consider whether your pet has a congenital or hereditary condition. Congenital conditions (eg, heart defects and muscle defects) are those that are not linked to your pet’s genes and occur at birth or later in the animal’s life, while hereditary conditions are linked to your pet’s genetics.

Fortunately, some providers cover both conditions, but it’s still important to get coverage before such illnesses/symptoms appear. You can now get a free price quote from Spot in 30 seconds.

Bottom line

Although pet insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions, you may still be able to apply for coverage down the line. Pet owners with pre-existing conditions may qualify for pet insurance if their pet’s condition is curable or temporary.

And if your pet is currently healthy but uninsured, it may be best to purchase insurance as a precaution against unwanted medical bills.

You can get a free price quote online now or use the table below to start comparing some of the top providers on the market

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