Cat owner holding a Scottish Fold cat.  Comfort and rest on pet owner's arms
Pet insurance does not work like health insurance for humans. Accordingly, the question of how much coverage owners should have is a subjective one.

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Pet insurance offers owners a unique opportunity to protect both their pets and their savings accounts.

With minimal fee per month (Cheaper if paid on an annual basis) owners can rest assured knowing their pet has medical care and, should an emergency arise, financial support to get them through it.

but Pet insurance does not work like health insurance Accordingly for humans, the question surrounding how much coverage owners should have for their pets is a subjective one.

If you think you would benefit from insuring your pet, get started today by getting a free price quote.

How much pet insurance do I need?

Here are four things to consider when trying to determine the right amount to purchase pet insurance.

Your pet’s age

If your furry friend is young and healthy, you can probably get away with minimal coverage. An accident-only policy won’t break the bank but will provide protection for emergencies. This will only cover your pet for things like broken bones or if they swallow something they shouldn’t. But if you want to cut costs and get insurance, it can do both.

Just make sure to read the fine print. What is considered covered under an accident only policy with one insurance provider may not be covered under another and vice versa. And remember: Insurance often doesn’t cover pets Predefined conditions So it is beneficial to act early before any annoying problems arise.

You can now get a customized pet insurance quote here.

Your pet’s breed

Regardless of age, some pets Breeding Just healthier than others. If you have a pet prone to health problems, you’re probably safer with a stronger plan.

For example, select breeds of dogs have known health problems A German Shepherd is more likely to need treatment for hip dysplasia than other breeds. English Bulldogs, Frenchies, and many other “flat-faced” dogs are prone to brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome (BAOS).

If you know from the start what health problems your pet may have, you can sign up with a plan to help reduce costs before they become a financial burden.

Your pet’s type

There’s a reason cats are generally cheaper to insure than dogs. Because they tend to live longer and have fewer health problems. Dogs generally have shorter life spans and more illnesses in their lives.

So, if you have a dog (and especially if you have one of the breeds mentioned above), you will need more pet insurance protection than if you have a cat.

“Dogs cost more to insure than cats, in part because of data showing that they need care more often than cats and it’s more expensive when they do,” claims a recent report. You should buy your pet insurance accordingly.

your budget

It can be tempting to pay for the biggest, most expensive policy out there, but don’t forget one of the main reasons you’re buying pet insurance to begin with: to save money. It won’t make sense to pay for a plan you can’t afford – and don’t need. So make a realistic assessment of what you can pay each month. Then determine the care you want/need for your pet. From there you can more accurately determine how much pet insurance you actually need.

Bottom line

Pet insurance is often an inexpensive but valuable protection. On average, a dog costs $30 to $70 per month and a cat costs $15 to $40 per month. But how much you spend depends on what you need based on the four items above.

You can start reviewing policies and costs now with Spot Insurance or use the table below to start shopping for providers.

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