1. Tips and Tricks

5 Tips for Finding Work at Home “Why”

Want to work from home but find yourself stuck in a cubicle?  Here's how to motivate yourself out of the office grind and into the flow of the home office.Relaxed dress code. Rotate your own playlist. Your favorite drink close at hand, and your favorite computer set up in front of you. The home office is the best office. So why aren’t you still working from home?

I know. When you’re comfortably stuck in a rut (and nervous about the unknown!), it can be hard to break out: You want to take the plunge and start working from home, but you just can’t find the motivation to get from there to here you are. How do you get yourself to finally stand up and walk through that office door, never going to the 9-to-5 again?

Throughout my blog, I focus on sharing with you what working from home is all about and how to best succeed when you’re working from home. Now I’m sharing my best tips on how to get yourself out of the office and into the home office flow.

Tip #1: Focus on controlling the schedule

Don’t you want to have complete control over your schedule? Traditional office or retail life often forces us into early schedules (when we may not all be early birds), causing us to feel more stressed and run down. Not to mention that most of these schedules leave you with no time to run errands, especially if you have kids – who have time to go to the bank or the post office. And Daycare or school And The grocery store? In fact, most working mothers don’t guarantee a set time to run and pick up their kids from school, spending money on their after-school care. Or working moms can work a split shift, if they’re lucky, dropping their kids off with a babysitter before heading back to work. None of this is fortunate.

When you’re looking for that motivation to finally break free from office life, think about this: Working from home means complete schedule control. You can build your business around it – or find remote employment that fits your personal schedule. Get up early and take the kids to school? Work from 9am to 2pm, or whenever you need to take it. Are you a night owl? Take gigs that allow you to work late at night and sleep in the morning. The point is: when you’re working from home, your time is to be divided as you wish.

Tip #2: Get excited about “Office Anywhere.”

Traditional offices never go anywhere: they just sit in one place. For many people, that place tends to be a bit of a commute – maybe you have to drive 20 minutes or 45 minutes. Maybe you need to take public transport. Any commute, long or short, can be tiring (and waste gas or add to transit fares), especially since you’re often sitting in traffic trying to catch up with everyone else. Rush hour is no fun for anyone.

You know what’s more fun? Walk from your kitchen to a home office that’s set up just the way you like it: from nestling on your sofa with a laptop to a full-on desk with a well-worn office chair. If you have special needs, you can rest assured that the office is fully set up to suit your needs. You know what’s better than a home office? The office can be taken anywhere.

There are many work-at-home gigs that you can work from almost anywhere; As long as you have a smartphone, tablet or laptop, your office is suddenly where you can grab a seat and/or access some secure WiFi. Having a mobile office means doubly making your work work for you and enjoying complete ownership of your schedule. Whether you’re waiting for a doctor’s appointment or for the kids to finish soccer practice, you can handle business correspondence, manage social media, write on your blog, or whatever else you do. Think about the possibility of recovering your time.

Tip #3: Focus on saving money

It costs us money to go to work. It costs money on gas or transit fares; It costs money to buy lunch and grab coffee on the go. Walking shoes to the bus stop or business casual clothes that get worn out from frequent wear cost money. I could go on, but I won’t: I’m sure you’ve already got the picture, and it looks like a screenshot of your severely depleted bank account.

When you’re looking for inspiration to start your work-at-home workflow, think about how much money you could save. First and foremost, you suddenly cut your fuel or rent bill. You can avoid the temptation to buy all that fast food, from lunch to your daily Starbucks fix. You can more thoughtfully budget your meals and spend your time on delicious home lunches. Plus, you can go barefoot or wear slippers – the comfort is priceless – and daydream about what you can do with the extra money you’re not spending on boring business wardrobes.

Tip #4: Focus on your own goals

When you’re working a traditional job, your own personal goals almost never seem important. Whether you want to become a leader in your industry or do something on your own to increase productivity, traditional jobs can stifle such initiatives with a lack of opportunities for advancement or established practices that refuse to change. Traditional jobs get bogged down with corporate baggage, tedious bureaucracy, and office politics—all challenges that, taken together, don’t worry if you’re a round peg trying to jam them into a square hole.

Make this lack of nurturing on their part a reason to stop and start working on yourself! Working from home means setting your own goals, exploring and choosing the best ways to pursue those goals, and celebrating your successes while personally learning from your failures. You can make rules, break rules and nurture yourself. You don’t have to be pressured by the boss to correct you, you don’t have to do pointless busywork, and you can take more satisfaction in your work.

Tip #5: Make yourself what you want to be

Don’t get stuck in the office grind because you think it’s the only way to become a successful programmer or bookkeeper or businessman. When we rush from office, waste time in commuting and lunch, do nothing at home as much as possible because we need to calm down. some time – Well, you’re not living your best life, and you’re definitely not becoming what you want to be. You’re basically just treading water, trying not to drown. Our lives should be so much more than just not drowning.

As a remote worker or entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to truly pursue what you are passionate about You can focus on building your skills and growing professionally while networking and finding clients. You have control over every aspect of your professional life, including becoming an in-demand developer or a respected financial analyst or an acclaimed entrepreneur. It’s all up to you, and that’s an exciting and powerful thing.

Feeling a little more motivated now? Good! Use that inspiration to propel yourself in your work-home-life. Explore more of my site to find legitimate work from home opportunities, not to mention guides on how to start your own direct sales business all from your own blog. And let me know when you work from home!

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