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10+ places to find full-time work-at-home jobs

Many people looking for work-at-home jobs want something that can replace their current office-based job. Whether it’s a stressful commute, a desire to be location-independent, or simply wanting to be home-based, there are plenty of reasons to seek a full-time job that can be done from home.

That’s what we’re going to talk about today — where you can find job leads at home that will keep you busy during regular business hours, but don’t require you to wear a suit and spend time commuting. These companies are just a few of the many companies hiring remote full-time workers. Maybe one of them will suit you!

American Express

American Express is a highly sought-after remote employer. They offer great pay, excellent benefits, and the stability and security that comes with being a well-established, highly respected company. Their remote worker program is well respected, and if you get in, you could spend your entire career there!

There are two types of remote jobs that American Express offers. One in customer service, and the other in their travel planning department. If any of these sound interesting to you, you can learn more here.

Like this one sounds? Also check out Apple’s work-at-home program.


Concentrix is ​​a well-known customer service company that hires remote workers full-time. Many Fortune 500 companies turn to Concentrix to staff their customer service lines, and that’s where you come in!

These companies are just a handful of the many companies that hire full-time work-at-home agents.  Maybe one of them will suit you! This is a telephone-based job that focuses you on customer service, technical support or sales. When you go through the application process, you will be able to choose which “track” you will take

Concentrix recruits in most US states, so it’s not completely nationwide but you’ve got a good shot at making it.

If this type of job appeals to you, you may be interested in learning more about another company, NexRep, which offers similar positions.


Xerox regularly hires domestic workers. It is a highly sought after employer especially for remote work, as it is a Fortune 100 company and as a result is considered a fully legitimate employer. Who has not heard of this huge corporation? Now you can get a chance to work for them from the comfort of your own home.

Some remote jobs with Xerox require you to be in a specific geographic area, but many of their recruiters can come from anywhere in the U.S. It’s about what they need at the time. And the great news for those of you who want to work from home and have some substantial work history is that many of Xerox’s work-at-home opportunities go above and beyond customer service. It’s not uncommon to find job listings for everything from marketing to HR to logistics.

Remote jobs at Xerox tend to pop up a lot, but they fill up pretty quickly If you see something you’re interested in, the best course of action is to move quickly. It’s all about timing if you want them to work!

Start up

Its speed has changed. In the past several years, there has been a huge spike in digital start-ups that specialize in web-based software and services in addition to products. Many of these start-ups employ remote workers, some of which are very well established at this point.

The benefits of working for these start-ups can be really fantastic. Many of them offer benefits, paid company events, full health care, generous time off, and more.

Whether you specialize in customer service, marketing, web development, or something else, there may be something for you in the start-up scene. There is always work to be found. If there is a website or software-service that you like to use, see if they are hiring! In the meantime, here are a few places to check out:

  • buffer — a social media scheduling app and thought leader in online marketing
  • Click funnel – An online sales funnel design software
  • Flywheel – A web hosting company that primarily works with web designers
  • Github — an online collaboration platform for people designing new software
  • Meet Edgar — another social media scheduling app, currently hiring coders and developers as well as customer service professionals
  • Zapier — a service that connects your various online accounts and makes things happen automatically between them

Sometimes it takes time… but there is a short-cut

Whether you’re just starting your career or looking to switch gears after a decade or two in the workplace, the right Working at home can just take time for you, sometimes. The prospect of finding remote jobs grows every day, as companies begin to see the benefits of remote workers – including access to great workers they wouldn’t be able to hire if they were limited by geography.

However, there are things you can do to make your job search a little easier and faster. One of the best things you can do is reach out to your personal network and see if anyone knows if their company hires remote workers. This can be a great first step.

You can also check job boards to look for remote opportunities. As you begin your work-at-home job search each day, scan sites like Indeed.com and use keywords like “remote” or “telecommute” to help you turn up job listings that might be right for you.

There is a better way to search though. There’s a job board that makes finding remote and telecommute (aka work-at-home) jobs really easy. Of course, I’m talking about FlexJobs, and they’re one of the best parts of finding work from home.

The FlexJobs board is specifically designed for companies offering “flexible” jobs — including (and especially) remote work, both full-time and part-time. If you are serious about changing jobs and you can do something from home, the best thing you can do to start your job search is to check out Flexjobs.

This is a paid job board, which means you have to subscribe for a month or two until you find your new position, but that’s actually a good thing (and not fraudulent). By having an “admission price”, you get access to job leads that only other paying FlexJobs members have. They have search features that make it easy to find the right jobs that might suit you, regardless of your work experience or the hours you want to work. There is also a helpful blog that will help guide you in the right direction when it comes to finding, landing and thriving in a work-from-home job.

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