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3 things to do automatically on your Airbnb to earn passive income

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Automating your Airbnb listing means going hands-free with business. And it’s the first step towards the positional freedom you’ve always wanted. Location independence is the ability to go anywhere in the world and earn money without being physically present. So when it comes to managing your Airbnb, how do you automate the process and what strategies do you need to implement?

Ask any Airbnb host about their goals in business, and you’ll likely get a standard answer, “We all want passive income and location independence.” And who wouldn’t want to continue making money wherever they are, right?

However, running an Airbnb business is like any other full-time job — you’ll experience excitement and exhaustion as you run. But there are a bunch of smart hosts who know how to manage their Airbnbs, take the stress out of the equation and continue to enjoy the fruits of their labor. You might be one of them. You can use their strategies and automate these three essentials in your Airbnb listing so you can work on your business and not on it.

Related: How to Create 7 Streams of Income for Passive Wealth

1. Clean up

This is perhaps the most important aspect of running a short-term rental business. However, as important as it is, don’t try to save money by cleaning your property. If your goal is to be truly independent with your business, you need to automate it.

For this, you can hire a professional cleaning company, or you can hire people you know. And you should have a system for your crew because to truly automate your business, it needs a process to follow. For example, your crew should only be there after guests leave during a certain time window (eg, 10am to 3pm).

When you put it on autopilot, your team will automatically pick up where guests left off, clean up during the window, and you won’t have to clean the place yourself.

2. Maintenance

The next thing you need to automate is maintenance. Hiring a maintenance person will ensure that anything broken is fixed as soon as possible. This person will ideally work on call, and you should let them know that you have a window and if there is ever a simple task that needs to be done, they should do it during that window.

As for compensation, it is recommended that you pay both your maintenance person and the cleaner on a case-by-case or per-project basis.

3. Communication

And last but not least, communication.

This part of the activity is vital because it will ensure that you are streamlining the tasks that need to be done and that you are not doing it all yourself. For this, you can use Slack, a communication platform that is easy to manage.

With proper communication, you must include the owner, cleaners, maintenance person and everyone involved in the maintenance of that property. For example, you can ask your cleaning crew to post pictures of the property after each cleaning. They can visually inspect the property to see if anything is missing or in need of repair.

If there is, you can tag your maintenance person so they can come and handle it during the clean window. This will make everything easier for you.

We recommend you to get in touch for the first three features to be launched so that you can experience it first hand. Also, it’s hard to delegate communication when you haven’t done it and don’t understand it yourself.

The most important thing to remember during these operations is that you do not clean or maintain yourself. Delegate those things or hire someone else. This way, you will be able to start working in the business and not the business.

Related: 4 Powerful Tips to Build a Successful Airbnb Business

Passive income through Airbnb short-term rentals

As you know, Airbnb is a home-sharing platform where you can list your property so that guests from around the world can book your place for a short period of time. But this is a place that is made for visitors who prefer to stay comfortable. It is also a good business venture for those looking for passive income.

So if you are a property owner, you can launch your listing and use the automation techniques that we just shared with you. If you’re a newbie looking for tips to start your Airbnb business, you’ll want to take these tips away for future use.

Related: How to Start an Airbnb Business Without Owning a Property

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