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Why You Shouldn’t Delay Buying Pet Insurance

If you’re a pet owner unsure of when to get pet insurance, consider these reasons to act soon.

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It comes to sound financial planning when Almost as important as when you buy a product or service what You are actually buying.

This is especially true for insurance types, which consider many factors when reviewing applications. Depending on the type of insurance and coverage being requested, companies may use a prohibitive price tag — or even deny an application outright.

Pet insurance Comes with a unique set of benefits for dog and cat owners. While it can be convenient to have a pet throughout its life, there are specific reasons why it’s worth buying now before your pet ages and their health deteriorates.

If you’re considering pet insurance, get started today by getting a free online price quote so you know how much it will cost.

Why You Shouldn’t Delay Buying Pet Insurance

If you are a pet owner unsure of when to get pet insurance, then consider acting soon. If you delay buying insurance you may experience one or more of the following

high cost

Pet insurance, like life and health insurance, is generally cheaper for younger, healthier applicants. The longer you wait to apply, the older your pet will be. Older pets are inherently riskier pets to insure. That risk will be reflected in higher premiums charged to the owner. Even if your pet is healthy, you’ll likely pay more than if your cat or dog were insured when they were kittens or puppies.

That doesn’t mean you should skip pet insurance for older animals. You may still be able to secure a cost-effective policy. Just understand that each time your pet has a birthday it will become more expensive to insure it. So it pays to act now while your pet is as young as ever and you can secure a lower rate.

You can easily check prices with Lemonade pet insurance online right now.

limited care

Pet insurance does not work exactly like other types of insurance. Case in point: Providers may reject your pet for coverage, or significantly limit the coverage they offer if your pet suffers from a problem. Pre-existing medical conditions.

“A pre-existing condition is something that happens before you enroll or during the waiting period,” Pet Insurer Brought to you by the dodo Explains “Unlike other providers, we do not cover pre-existing conditions.”

Spot pet insurance has a similar policy.

“A pre-existing condition is any injury or illness that occurs or shows symptoms before coverage begins or during the waiting period,” they explain. their website. “A condition is considered pre-existing whether or not it has been formally diagnosed or treated; what matters is when it occurs or when symptoms first appear.”

That’s why it pays to secure a plan as soon as possible before dealing with any nagging health issues. By acting now, owners can improve their chances of getting a more comprehensive policy versus waiting and potentially limited or outright denial.

Application rejected

The longer you wait to get coverage, the more likely your pet will be rejected outright. Pet insurance often costs more for older, sicker animals, but if the dog or cat in question is older or sicker than other applicants, it’s possible for the application to be rejected outright.

Lemonade explains the logic on pet insurance Its website.

“Look at it this way: If you’re trying to sign up your 13-year-old dog for pet insurance for the first time, they might get turned down because of the age limit. But if you sign up your dog when they’re young and healthy, they’ll never get rejected because of their age. Don’t be denied coverage on renewal and they’ll be eligible for more coverage down the line.”

In short: the longer you wait, the more likely you are to be denied coverage. So act soon to protect yourself by paying for pet insurance.

Bottom line

Pet insurance can save pet owners money, provide pet care and peace of mind. But it lets you act early to get the most value out of these benefits. If owners delay securing a policy, they risk paying more, limiting coverage or even denying it altogether.

You can get a free pet insurance quote in 30 seconds right here or use the table below to browse some of the top pet insurance companies.

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