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4 Great Ways to Make Money Helping Others Online

Put your knowledge to good use by earning money helping others online.  Here are some ways to go about it and you can get started right away:One of the best feelings in the world is knowing you have something to share and then finding a way to share it. When you genuinely help people, the satisfaction you get from your work is immense. But combine those good feelings with the good results of generating some income, and you’re really onto something.

There have always been ways to teach and help others in person, but now we have the Internet — and that means more opportunities to put your knowledge to good use, helping people… and making a profit while doing it. Some ways to go about it:

Start a blog

It’s no surprise that my #1 favorite way to help people with your knowledge is to start a blog. When you have your own blog, you’ve created your own platform to share anything and everything you know with the goal of reaching as many people as possible so you can help them. I love blogging – it has completely changed my life – and I know it can change yours too

Think about it: running a blog gives you the opportunity to pick a topic or two and go as deep and wide into those topics as you want. The more you write your blog, interact with your readers and continue to expand your own knowledge, the more you will be able to share and the more capable you will become. Really help people with what you are sharing.

But on the flip side, it’s not just about giving. You can earn (income) when you are a blogger. There are perfectly legitimate, acceptable ways to monetize your blog Anytime you’ve seen an ad, bought an ebook, or downloaded a great information product from a blogger or online business, you’ve participated in the system, and it probably didn’t feel uncomfortable at all, right?

If the technology involved in running a blog is too intimidating, don’t worry – there are plenty of resources out there that can teach you. And once you get the hang of things, you’ll be surprised at how much you really know. It’s empowering and so rewarding – for you And For your audience.

Sell ​​digital products

Selling digital products can seem intimidating at first. You need a store and a blog and a marketing strategy and a million different social media profiles and on and on.

Or not. There are countless successful people online who have been able to integrate thing — a nutrition or workout program, a recorded workshop, a collection of reports, and more — and sell it for real profit with a website. It’s just one page. If your knowledge is something people want, you can absolutely sell it without building some kind of digital empire. You need to learn how to advertise so that people actually see what you have to offer, but it can be learned without putting too much pressure on yourself.

That said, digital empires can be a lot of fun! You can be the face of a company, you can express yourself on your blog or on your email list, and you can offer a wide variety of products that meet very real needs.

When you’re selling digital products, you never have to pitch people for money… you just provide the kind of things people value, explain why they’re valuable, and let the reader make up their own mind. Affiliate links to downloadable workbooks, affiliate products, and even great stuff on Amazon can be income generators. By taking any of these approaches, you are able to share your knowledge, help other people and make some money for yourself.

write a book

If what you’ve learned is something that many people need and want to learn, the best thing you can do is package all your knowledge into a book and self-publish on Amazon. Plus, as Amanda Abella Likes to say, “A book is better than a business card.” This is a major feather in your cap to validate your credibility as an expert, which can pave the way for success in other arenas.

Tons of self-published authors are able to supplement their income from their ebooks, although making a lot of money from a book really takes a lot of hard work. The bottom line is something people will pay to know about and a fantastic book description with hard copy that really draws people in.


For anyone who does anything online, online courses are all the rage—and for good reason! You can find a course for most things you could ever want to learn, and many of them are helpful and affordable. Plus, you can learn at your own pace, which you can’t do in a classroom setting. If you are interested in teaching your knowledge, online courses can be a great way for you.

But don’t let the hype about online courses crowd out another great opportunity: in-person tutoring! Whether you’re hosting workshops in your local community, teaching seminars to special interest groups, presenting at conferences, or even attending public speaking, connecting with people directly and personally is an incredibly rewarding way to share your knowledge, make a difference in their lives, and – You guessed it – get paid to do it.

Which one is right for you?

There’s no limit to how you can get paid to help people with your own expertise. All it really takes is some creativity, some solid dedication and commitment to finding the right framework for you. Whether it’s a main blog that starts immediately, an email list that sells affiliate products that are really helpful to your readers, or become a speaking rock star, the world really is your oyster.

Whatever you do, make sure you get out and share! The world needs your knowledge! So tell me: which of these opportunities appeals to you the most?

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