1. Work From Home

7 tips to help you find work from home jobs in 2023

If you don’t already work from home full-time and you want to make 2023 your year, it’s smart to make a plan for yourself to make that happen. I can’t create a plan for you – everyone’s plan will be different because what works for one person won’t work for another.

But there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of landing something this year!

Before I give you some pointers, you need to understand the most important thing don’t give up.

Competition for work-at-home jobs is fierce, and you’ll probably get more rejection emails than anything.

Those who are most driven and determined usually succeed in the long run, so keep trying!

1 – Stay informed

Perhaps the most important tip I can give you is to stay informed, if you aren’t already.

Facebook groups, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts you should follow and more depend on where you hang out online the most. I’ve linked some useful ones below.

If you’re concerned about scams people post online, here are some tips to help you avoid work at home scams.

Another way to stay informed is to follow this blog (you can subscribe here so you don’t miss any updates) and the other blogs/sites on this list. I’ve hand-picked everything on that list myself, so you can be sure they’re trusted resources.

2 – Use social media and online forums to your advantage

If you are on Facebook you should follow these pages. I recommend joining the following groups for legitimate work at home information:

I have a list of work at home Twitter accounts that you can trust.

And if you love Pinterest, you’ll want to check out The Work at Home Woman’s list Follow work at home Pinterest boards.

If you’re not really a Facebook or social media person, check out WAHM.com. This is one of the oldest work on home forums on the internet. There is also a good Reddit – Work online – You should consider keeping tabs on.

This is how I found good leads when I was initially looking for something to do from home. These forums helped me understand what worked and what didn’t work for other people for the jobs I was applying for. You don’t have to post and be active. Reading is enough.

You can really learn a lot about work from the home world, and knowledge is power!

3 – Check for work from home daily jobs

I post weekly leads on my work from home job leads board, but there are many other places to check.

You should also learn how to use smart search terms to narrow things down when you’re actually browsing leads on job search sites. And don’t cancel Craigslist! Yes, I know there are a lot of scams on Craigslist, but I find little gems there all the time.

In fact, some of the best leads I’ve found are from Craigslist. And I wrote a whole post last year on how to effectively search Craigslist for work from home jobs and avoid all those scams. Read it and put my tips to use, and you’ll be a Craigslist job hunting pro in no time.

I have a huge list of 111 work at home companies. There are many non-phone jobs if you’re up to it.

4 – Consider a FlexJobs subscription

I’ve been a paid member of FlexJobs for a few years now, and I personally love it because they post leads for flexible and telecommuting jobs 5 days per week, they guarantee their leads are scam-free, and they guarantee their options. The selection is great to find exactly what you need. It’s very organized!

While not all Lead FlexJobs posts are exclusive to their site, I still think it’s a time-saver because it’s so nicely organized overall.

You can sign up for a subscription here for about $14.95 per month, but you can use promo codes AFFILPROMO Get up to 30% off that price. It’s easy to cancel if you don’t want to be billed for another month, or you can read these posts on FlexJobs with more details:

5 – Change your resume

When you apply for work from home jobs, your resume is usually going to be the thing that makes or breaks you getting an interview or an instant rejection email. Make it great if you can!

I get a lot of questions from people who want to know how to write a resume or improve theirs, and unfortunately, I’m not a resume pro. If I’m honest, my own resume could use a nice upgrade!

Luckily, one of our writers (Anna Jones) who knows a thing or two about resumes, put together a helpful list of work at home jobs that you can check out.

And when all else fails, you can use one Resume template If you start from scratch and fill in the blanks. It certainly makes things easier.

It should go without saying, but check and double-check your resume for spelling errors or grammatical mistakes. Run it through a spell checker and have another look at it.

Another idea is to pay a professional to do your resume for you. The price for resume services isn’t cheap, but it will pay for itself when you get a few interviews and, hopefully, a job.

6 – Learn something new

When you’re browsing job leads, you may find yourself dismissing various opportunities because you don’t have certain skills.

Well, who says you can’t learn those skills? You don’t always have to go back to school to learn new things, although that’s never a bad idea either. Fortunately, the Internet is full of resources for learning.

With that in mind, I’ve put together a post with a list of free or very cheap online learning resources. Being able to add highly sought-after skills to your resume will only help you, and all of these learning resources give you the tools you need to acquire those skills.

If you are looking for an online course on something specific to work from home, you can check out my “Courses to Take” page. This is a list of highly-rated eCourses that will help you work from home in various industries.

7 – Learn about work at home scams

Work from home scams give telecommuting a bad name. I have seen many people who refuse to apply for work from home again because they have been scammed. These people don’t believe in anything anymore, and it’s completely understandable!

Red flags include payment requests, unsolicited emails, extremely vague information, little to no contact information, dubious income claims, and so-called work from home companies that include the words “payday,” “profit.” “Wealth”, “Freedom”, “Fortune” and many more.

Also, don’t agree to let a company send you a check for “office supplies” before you start work, and then deposit it into your own account, paying part of the money back to them.

This is the oldest scam in the book, and among the “is this a scam” emails I get, it’s the one people ask me most often. It’s everywhere.

Read through my “Is it a Scam?” Checklist so you know what to look for the next time you’re not sure.

300 flexible, non-phone work at home jobs:


Do you want to work at home but you can’t do it using a phone? If so, I have some great non-phone options for you This is the ebook. It’s only $5!

In this book, you will find links 300 companies Offering a variety of non-phone work at home options, including:

  • Data penetration
  • Chat agent operator
  • Freelance writing
  • copy
  • Proofreading
  • ledger
  • Search evaluation
  • Much more!

Each job listing also has a brief summary of what relevant information I could find (payment, which countries it might be open in, etc.).

Good luck to you, and I hope you find this ebook helpful if you’re looking for a non-phone job.

After payment, you will receive email with your download.

Download it here

PS Kiss the “Monday Morning Blues” goodbye! The perfect job is waiting for you. Start living the life you envisioned. Grab Leisa Goods opportunity sheet Today!

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