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Here’s why gold is still a good investment

Gold has been a popular investment lately, but that’s just one reason it’s worth considering.

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Demand for gold is high this year. In the face of economic woes ranging from rising interest rates to bank failures, More investors have become To gold to protect their money and protect themselves from market turbulence. After reaching an all-time high near $2,048 in mid-April, gold continued to hover around the $2,000 mark and Experts predict They can go even higher.

This trend seems set to continue. A A recent Gallup poll It found that nearly twice as many Americans consider gold to be the best long-term investment This year compared to last year. Are they right? Is now still a good time to invest in gold? Read on to know more.

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Here’s why gold is still a good investment

Gold remains A smart investment For many reasons. Here are three of them.

It protects you from inflation

Inflation can significantly affect the value of your investment. Gold acts as a Hedge against inflation Because it works well when other assets lose value.

Gold prices typically rise when inflation is high as people turn to the precious metal to protect their wealth. And when a Recent Federal Reserve Reports Given that the inflation rate has begun to decline, many experts believe that we will remain in a deflationary environment for some time yet.

“Inflation probably won’t ease anytime soon,” said Stuart Boxenbaum, CFP and president of Statewide Financial Group. “Unless and until that changes, holding an inflation hedge like gold… is probably a very good idea as part of your overall portfolio, especially if you don’t currently own one. Because the US dollar is also very weak and will likely weaken, long-term. As an investment now it makes a lot more sense to own this type of inflation hedge.”

It covers losses in your portfolio

One of the best ways to ensure your portfolio performs well diverse your investment. By incorporating a mix of assets with varying levels of risk and reward, you can maximize your returns while minimizing your losses. Gold is a great way to balance risky assets stockWhich can be especially helpful at times like this recession (which we may enter later this year).

“Gold generally behaves inversely related to the stock market,” William Bevins, CFP, CTFA, said recently CBS News. When the stock market underperforms or falls, gold (but not always) rises or stays flat. So, in a volatile market, gold can help protect your investment.

It provides reliable long-term returns

Whenever you choose to invest in gold, it can serve you well in the long run. It has been a trusted form of currency for centuries, well proven Ride out the economic storm And it gains value when other assets lose it. And because it’s a tangible, limited commodity with a wide range of uses, it’s a durable asset that investors can hold for years without worrying about its value suddenly dropping.

You can study current gold prices to help you decide When is the best time to buy?The short answer is that gold is worth considering In any economy. Because it is a Good long term investmentExperts recommend always keeping a percentage of your portfolio in gold to reap its full benefits.

“For whomever he likes [the concept of gold investing] But if you’re not sure how much or where to start, a general rule of thumb is to use 10% of your overall portfolio,” says Boxenbaum. “So, if your portfolio totals $250,000, $25,000 is a good starting amount.”

Ready to start investing in gold? Request a free investor kit now to learn more.

Bottom line

Gold has been a popular investment lately, but that’s just one reason it’s worth considering. Regardless of what the broader economy is doing, having gold in your portfolio can protect your money from inflation, help you weather economic turbulence that hurts the value of other assets, and provide steady income over the long term. And with many different ones Ways to invest in goldAdding a touch of gold to your portfolio today is easy.

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