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Why you should add travel insurance for your summer trip

A travel insurance policy can help protect against any financial loss from canceling your summer trip.

Thomas M. Berwick/Getty Images

Warm weather and sunny days lead to millions of adults spending more time outdoors They may also prompt many travelers to finalize their summer vacation plans (if they haven’t already). However, there’s more to planning a summer trip than booking a hotel and a flight. To limit the potential money lost from a canceled or shortened trip, planners should also keep one Travel insurance Policy in place.

Travel insurance is a worthwhile addition to your summer vacation plans and doesn’t have to break the bank. The cost usually ranges from 5% to 10% of your total trip price. But why would you want to add another cost to the mix, if you can avoid it? There are multiple reasons to add travel insurance to your summer vacation, three of which we’ll explore in this article.

You can now easily search and compare travel insurance quotes online to learn more.

Why you should add travel insurance for your summer trip

Here are three reasons to pack a travel insurance policy along with your suntan lotion and bathing suit this summer.

Travel insurance can save you money

Travel insurance can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars if your trip is canceled or cut short that you would otherwise be stuck paying. Remember: Inflation just didn’t affect food price and costs Veterinary care. This has made travel more expensive. Costs for flights, hotels and rental cars may be higher than last year but There is no sign that they will decline significantly in 2023. In this economic climate, you’ll want to make sure you’re covered if something goes wrong.

there Multiple types to choose from, from “cancellation for any reason” to “trip cancellation” to “medical emergency” and more. Depending on the plan you choose and the reason for cancellation, you may be eligible for a full, 100% refund.

Compare your travel insurance options here to see which makes the most sense for your summer trip.

Travel insurance can protect against medical emergencies

The pandemic has made millions of adults more aware of medical emergencies and illnesses. And while the height of the pandemic has passed, there are still times when people get sick, are in danger, or cancel the best-laid plans altogether. Fortunately, travel insurance can protect against medical emergencies.

“Emergency Medical May Cover the Cost of a Medical Emergency Treatment During a Trip,” Travel Insurance Marketplace Squaremouth explains

“Emergency medical insurance covers the cost of treating an unexpected illness or injury that occurs during travel. Expenses covered under emergency medical coverage typically include ambulance services, hospital and doctor bills, emergency dental services, and x-ray or lab costs.”

Travel insurance can help with trip interruptions

Let’s say you get on a plane, land, check into your hotel, and then run into a problem on the first day. So what happens? Fortunately, travel insurance provides a solution for trip interruptions.

“Trip Interruption provides reimbursement for prepaid and non-refundable trip payments if a portion of the trip is missed, or unforeseen circumstances require the traveler to return home early, including illness, injury or death.” Squaremouth Comment.

“Trip Interruption is a post-departure benefit that pays a traveler for unused trip expenses if they have to interrupt their trip for a covered reason. The most common covered reason is the unexpected illness, injury, or death of the traveler, a travel companion, or a non- Traveling family members.”

While it’s not pleasant to think about the problems you might face once you arrive at your destination, it’s better not to be stuck with a hefty bill when you can’t even see your vacation. So explore your trip interruption travel insurance options now to get protected.

Bottom line

Travel insurance can be a valuable protection during your travels throughout the year. This is especially valuable for your summer 2023 plans amid high costs for expenses such as hotels and flights. In addition to potentially saving you money, travel insurance can also help protect against medical emergencies and illnesses, and, if your trip is cut short after you’ve reached your destination, you’ll also be protected with a trip interruption policy.

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