Male veterinarian petting a chocolate labrador puppy - 8 weeks old
When considering a new insurance policy it helps to do your homework first.

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Pet insurance offers owners a unique opportunity to protect both their bank accounts and their dogs and cats. For paying a monthly fee to an insurance provider, owners can have peace of mind that any medical care their pet may need will be subsidized by their policy.

when Benefits of having pet insurance Multiple and significant, it doesn’t work as well as other, traditional insurance types. From coverage exclusions to reimbursements, pet insurance owners should know some important information about them in order to best optimize their plans.

If you’re in the market for pet insurance, start by getting a free quote so you know exactly what to expect.

Learn more about pet insurance

When considering a new insurance policy it helps to do your homework first. Here are four pet insurance facts to know now.

Pre-existing conditions may not be covered

Pet insurance and pre-existing conditions have a complicated relationship. Pet insurance doesn’t work exactly like health insurance for people. Pet insurance providers, for example, may exclude coverage for a pet with a pre-existing condition.

“A pre-existing condition is any injury or illness that occurs or presents symptoms before coverage begins or during the waiting period.” Spot pet insurance Explains “a condition is considered pre-existing whether or not it has been formally diagnosed or treated; what matters is when it occurred or symptoms first appeared.”

“A pre-existing condition is something that happens before you enroll or during the waiting period.” Brought to you by the dodo Explains “Unlike other providers, we do not cover pre-existing conditions.”

But just because a provider doesn’t cover a pre-existing condition now, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future.

“However, with the plan offered by Spot, this does not mean that the condition cannot be covered in the future if it is curable,” Spot Pet Insurance continues.

“An injury or illness that is curable, incurable, and free of treatment and symptoms for 180 days, excluding knee and ligament conditions, will no longer be considered pre-existing. If a knee or ligament condition occurs before the coverage becomes effective date or waiting period, Any future ones will not be covered.”

While coverage for pre-existing conditions can be confusing it doesn’t have to be. By answering a few simple questions, you can see what your pet qualifies for and how much it will cost.

You will be reimbursed for coverage after your vet visit

Another important way pet insurance differs from health insurance? The Reimbursement model. You will be responsible for any services, procedures and medications your pet receives during visits to the vet, visits. So you need to tap into savings or charge your credit card that day.

Your pet insurance provider, however, will reimburse you for the cost (depending on your policy and coverage). You just need to file a claim and submit. From there, your insurance provider will process it and refund the funds you spent.

According to Brought to you by DoDoOwners must submit two documents to process a claim:

  • “A final invoice from your vet showing what treatment your pet received and how much you were charged. An invoice must show a zero balance or it was paid in full for us to accept it.”
  • “Detailed medical records from your pet’s most recent checkup (a vet visit unrelated to your pet being sick or injured).”

“Claims are usually processed within 15 days after we receive all your documents,” says the insurer

Some animal types and breeds are more expensive than others

Different animals and different breeds have different health problems than others. Accordingly, the cost of insuring these animals varies significantly.

Dogs, for example, are generally more expensive to insure than cats. Dogs prone to breathing problems (think “flat-faced” dogs like English bulldogs, Frenchies, etc.) are more expensive to insure.

Abyssinian and Persian cats, meanwhile, can cost upwards of $40 per month if you want to set them up with coverage.

But cost is relative. You may be able to Get a reduced rate, even if you have one of these varieties. Get a personalized price quote now so you know exactly what to expect

Your veterinarian can help you develop a policy that is right for you

When choosing a health insurance provider for yourself, you may want to consider whether your doctor is in-network or out-of-network. But that’s where the consideration usually ends. However, when it comes to pet insurance, Your vet may be able to provide some much-needed expertise.

Your veterinarian can help you develop any insurance plan you are considering. They are already involved in your animal’s treatment and see various related issues on a daily basis. By asking your vet for guidance, you can more accurately match your pet insurance coverage to what you need now – or may need in the future. That way you don’t pay for protection you can’t use.

Bottom line

Pet insurance is generally beneficial to have. But owners should familiarize themselves with how this type of insurance works to best optimize their coverage.

Talk to a pet insurance expert now to get started!

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