Not everyone can be a salesperson. Maybe you don’t like pressuring people, or pressuring yourself – and having a sales job means experiencing both of those things. Perhaps the words “incentive-based bonus” break out in a cold sweat, and you’re not looking forward to a metrics-inspired coaching session.

It’s okay what you don’t like about working in sales – there are enough salespeople to shoulder those opportunities! All you need is a sales-free work-from-home job – and we’ve collected several to choose from.

Do you want to work at home, but thinking of a sales gig is an immediate turnoff?  Check out this list of work at home jobs with no sales required. If you want to be an employee…

Sometimes you just want to be a traditional employee whose office is a few doors down from your bedroom. You work from home in your slippers, but you have regular employment with hourly pay and, in some cases, even benefits. Just one thing: You don’t want your job to include earning commissions or upselling people you might interact with while working.

Many of the employee-style positions you’ll find offered to home workers are customer service-oriented positions. While many of these positions will involve sales at some level, there are some that involve no sales at all, or sales that are soft and secondary.

Non-Sales Phone Locations

Westat Employs at-home telephone data collectors. These agents conduct phone interviews on topics such as education, health, transportation, and the environment. Most positions require the ability to work nights and weekends with a commitment of 20 to 40 hours per week.

Pleo Goodstart Mentors Working from home helps patients establish a good medication routine by providing resources and reminders over the phone.

MaritzCX Market research employs interviewers to virtually collect customer feedback on the client’s products and services. Currently, MaritzCX pays your state minimum wage and incentives. At the time of writing this post the opening requires a minimum commitment of 20 hours per week with a maximum of 28 hours per week. Some weekend hours are required.

Paramedics Occasionally there are openings for remote records retrieval specialists. Agents in this position are calling medical facilities to request patient records.

Yardi matrix It’s a fan favorite among those at home with kids who don’t mind phone work because some background noise is fine. In this location, remote agents are calling apartment complexes to gather information on potential tenants. These posts are seasonal and temporary. Pay is hourly plus surveys completed. The state minimum wage is guaranteed.

Aptical Another company hiring telephone interviewers at home. During this time, agents work with insurance companies and applicants. A medical or insurance background is preferred but not required.

If you don’t want to be on the phone, you have plenty of options. Check out these non-phone locations. These positions do not always have full-time capabilities as phone positions and most do not offer benefits. In some cases, work may even be project-based with a designated end point.


To work from home in the publishing game – as a freelance writer, a proofreader or an editor – you must have solid language skills. Make sure you know your grammar rules, have a decent grasp on spelling (yes, even with spell check) and understand what makes a good piece of writing. These basic requirements apply whether you’re writing or editing for a magazine or blog! Equipment-wise, you’ll need a reliable home computer and Internet access, although it doesn’t necessarily have to be any particular speed. You should have a distraction-free place to work. Some positions may have additional requirements, such as access to reference books The MLA Handbook or Chicago Manual of Style.

  • Smart brief
  • Skyward
  • Content Divas
  • the cactus

Test scoring

As a scorer on various standardized tests, you generally need to have a bachelor’s degree (or the equivalent, if you graduated from a university outside the United States). Some opportunities require you to have teaching experience, and possibly even a teaching license. You must familiarize yourself with the institution’s scoring standards and adhere strictly to their procedures. You should have a secure home office where you can score in privacy. You must have a reliable computer with an internet connection and a home phone Required hours of availability depend on the organization but may be available to work weekdays during normal business hours.

  • ETS
  • Measure Inc
  • Pearson


If you want to spend your time in audio or video transcription, you must have two basic building blocks to build your career: you must be able to listen, and you must type quickly and accurately. When transcribing, you must be able to understand multiple speakers and contextualize what they say (researching if necessary to transcribe perfectly). To make decent money, you must be able to replicate relatively quickly with a high degree of accuracy. A reliable home computer is required – you may need to install certain software – along with high-speed Internet access. You may need it too headphones and a Foot pedal. Certain types of transcription jobs, such as medical or legal transcription, also require certification.

Search engine evaluation

As a search engine evaluator – or a social media evaluator, web content evaluator, advertising evaluator, etc. – You spend your time determining search engine results and their relevance in the context of specific keywords and search strings. These jobs often do not require a specific education level; Most simply you must be eligible to work in the US and have good English writing skills. You’ll also need a home computer (speakers and sound card may be required), a smartphone under 3 years old (if you’re doing a phone-based assessment), and a high-speed Internet connection. Make sure you are comfortable installing and operating new programs on your personal computer. Some positions require you to be very knowledgeable about contemporary social culture online, and several companies (such as Leapforce and Lionbridge) require you to pass a test before hiring.

  • Appen
  • Lionbridge
  • Leapforce

Virtual assistant

Working as a virtual assistant involves all kinds of different skills, but the basics of the position revolve around administrative experience. Whether you strike out on your own or decide to work with a VA company (like Worldwide101), you’ll often need to have some office skills. You should be well-organized, have a quiet place to work at home, and have a reliable computer with high-speed Internet access. Marketable skills for a VA include social media and blog management abilities, research and writing skills, graphic design talent and skills in client support. You may be asked to set up appointments, book travel, track information and organize data. The possibilities are wide and varied, so becoming a virtual assistant is a viable choice for people from any professional background.

If you want to be an entrepreneur…

Maybe you’re not into the idea of ​​being someone else’s employee or independent contractor – and that’s okay! You may be cut out to be an entrepreneur, which means investing in yourself, being your own boss and following your dreams.

Owning your own business almost always involves some type of sales. But for many people, we may enjoy some types of sales more than others. For example, I was terrible at selling myself as a virtual assistant. Cold pitching clients has never been my idea of ​​a good time. But, I love affiliate marketing as a blogger. And I don’t mind pitching potential blog sponsors. In many cases, overcoming your fear of selling is as simple as finding something you’re passionate enough to sell!

And as the head of your own company, you can choose your own sales strategy and your own definition of success. You decide to achieve quotas and metrics.

Passive income opportunities can be a great place to start. In this case, you might be writing that sales pitch (or post) once and continue to sell it as people view and read the message. You are not picking up the phone to connect day after day. You are simply driving people to your website or landing page.

Need some ideas about great home businesses with passive income potential?

Blogger – Blogging can be a very nice career: you can share your passion and turn your passion into income. I have a whole section on my website dedicated to this, so click that if you want Be a good blogger. The key to blogging as a business is to create consistent content and set up for affiliate marketing – you can recommend products but selling is done through your story not a traditional sales pitch!

Your biggest struggle as a blogger is probably going to be marketing your blog to get those initial visitors, followers and customers. My best piece of advice is to not rely on your family and friends. In most cases, these people aren’t your target market anyway, and you’ll only be disappointed if they don’t share your enthusiasm.

This can be easily overcome by using online marketing methods. Pinterest is great for generating traffic and requires no selling or conversation on your part You just need to create attractive images using a free online tool like Canva.

You should learn about search engine optimization as soon as possible. Let Google send traffic to you. SEO can free you from the social media hamster wheel and enjoy passive traffic – and, hopefully, passive income!

the photographer – If photos are your strength, that is A great home based business In the making! If you want to shoot wedding or graduation photos, you must get out into the community and market your skills. Alternatively, you can Sell ​​your photos For use as prints, on cards or as stock photos. There are several sites that will allow you to use their existing marketplace to list your goods and pay you a commission or royalty for the sale. These sites include Fotolia, Shutterstock, and Dreamtime. Succeeding in this industry requires excellent photography skills and staying on top of current customer needs and trends.

When it comes to your home career, you can choose whether the career involves sales. Using my leads here, you should know where to start tracking your non-sales-required work – go ahead and get on it!

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