Do you love to research online?  Check out these great work-at-home jobs. Ever know one has it all been said? Many people think this is an insult when really it models your curiosity and drive towards the world! If you have extensive education or are simply widely read, you should showcase that knowledge and even earn from it. Whether you’re looking for a side hustle or a new career as a professional, I’ve left some notes on some of the opportunities available to you.

Online research work

A form of omniscience is the serial researcher. If you’ve always enjoyed learning anything you can – read an entire encyclopedia or read a bunch of nonfiction articles on anything that interests you – you can turn your endless curiosity into a job and make it work for you! Countless industries and jobs depend on research, much of which can be done online: put your skills to work as an industry researcher, expert or consultant.

Some online research jobs from home are entry-level and require no prior experience in research; However, some industry-specific better paying opportunities may require either formal education or at least formal experience. For example, a court researcher should have some background in legal work – or a nutritionist may need to demonstrate education in nutrition or a related field.

10EQS Employs subject matter experts in specific industries, technologies or functions – To qualify for this position, you must have extensive practical experience with your specific subject matter. You will have potential experts join their database and have the opportunity to be assigned to live research projects with their clients. You may also have the option of completing these projects over the phone or in person.

IT-Boss Research Works with independent contractors (like you!) to complete court research for their clients. This involves visiting local courts to find the data needed by IT-Boss Research’s clients, but you have the flexibility to do so within your schedule (within the limits imposed by the court’s opening hours). They say the average researcher can earn $10 to $15 an hour, while more experienced court researchers can pull in $25.

Answering the question

Of course, maybe it’s not the thrill of internet research that drives you – maybe you just love getting answers to every question! If so, those unknown drives can generate income for you too. There are several companies online today that sell such a question-and-answer service to their clients – whether their questions are complex (companies need to know if an idea has been done before) or simple (a student needs help with their homework assignment).

In this case, it pays to have a specific area of ​​expertise – but you can still find work even if most of your know-how is based on being a skilled practitioner of Google-fu.

surprise One of the most popular companies to answer questions – you’ll see them mentioned often. They invite their clients to submit questions, and then their researchers spend some time finding at least five quality sources that answer those questions. Then synthesize that information as an answer for their clients. You must pass a quiz and complete a sample assignment to work with them.

Rachel Granby, Director of Research, was kind enough to answer some questions about work-at-home.

Wonder is a marketplace where each research question is priced differently, depending on a variety of factors including how quickly the client needs the research and how challenging the research question is. Each researcher sets his own schedule, chooses which requests to work on, and chooses which price points to accept. This is a long way of saying that each researcher’s earning potential varies based on how much time they spend researching each week and what type of requests they receive.

Top researchers can earn $35+ per hour and up to $2K per month.

In addition to being paid, researchers have the opportunity to work on exciting new projects every day, learn about new fields, network with colleagues around the world, and build a portfolio of research.

The two most important criteria are: excellent writing skills and a love of learning.

Creative problem solving also helps, because sometimes clients ask for information that isn’t immediately available, and then we have to come up with a creative way to guess the answer. For example, a client might ask “How many songs are currently listed on the SoundCloud website?” SoundCloud doesn’t release this data, but there was an article 6 months ago that had the number of songs on SoundCloud at that time and a separate article that highlighted the rate of new song additions, so it’s possible to estimate the number of songs from six months ago and the estimated growth in the last six months. How many songs are there today using rates.

Researchers set their own schedule – they can work as often and as much as they want. A researcher will typically log into our dashboard to see what requests are available and then choose a specific request to start working on. Researchers use Slack, a chat service, to talk to each other about what they’re working on, ask questions and share tips.

We recommend that researchers answer a minimum of 1 request per week to keep their skills sharp, and experienced researchers typically answer 5+ requests per week. However, there is no minimum requirement.

Researchers are paid every two weeks via PayPal.

In addition to doing research, there are earning opportunities for researchers who want to review work done by others. It involved reading through someone else’s thorough research to ensure it fully answered the client’s questions, was clear and well presented, and followed Wonder’s formatting guidelines. We pay reviewers $1 for each review.

What tips do you have for aspiring researchers?

A) Read the application instructions! I know this sounds silly, but it’s amazing how many potentially strong candidates submit applications that make it clear they haven’t read the instructions. For example, we ask applicants to complete a piece of mock research and include instructions on how to use proper formatting. If you are interested in joining the Wonder Research Network, use the correct format!

b) There is definitely a learning curve, so we provide a resource center for all researchers with information on how to deal with different types of requests, and we have a community support system where researchers regularly ask each other for advice on specific requests. But the biggest asset a researcher can bring here is a good attitude – if your English writing is strong, and you’re willing to learn, and you want to be part of a collaborative environment with interesting fellow researchers from around the country. world, then this is the right role for you.

Studypool Work with independent tutors to help students with their homework assignments – while working with them, you can browse questions on over 30 topics and offer to help. The company works as a bit of a convenience as you can set your own rates. You set your schedule; Payments are made when you finish helping a given student.

Expert 123 Writing articles that showcase your skills provides a place to answer questions, though pay isn’t always guaranteed. When writing their base level articles, what you make depends on how much traffic your article gets. If your articles are amazing you can graduate to a higher level of engagement that offers some guaranteed pay.

Answering gigs can also be good as a side hustle, with plenty of apps and sites offering cash or rewards (or even some light tech support) in exchange for your answers to various companies and services. Check out companies like Help the owl, fixia, weegy, etc.

Ask an expert

If you are an all-round expert on a given topic, you can earn an income by offering your services on the Ask an Expert platform. Requirements for these types of sites vary, but some may ask you to prove your skills with a degree or proof of training. The amount of income you can expect to earn in this role also varies – depending on the needs of your subject and how many people you help. On the plus side, you can completely set your schedule, and you can even arrange to call on the go.

just answer – Sign up to answer experts with JustAnswer, prove your credentials and set your time to get started! Anytime a client has a question for your specialty – and you’ve marked yourself as available – you can talk to the client to answer it. You just split the fee by replying.

Maven Refers to their experts as microconsultants and offers quick sign-up: just set your hourly rate and answer a few questions. Their system matches yours to the needs of their clients – you can answer questions in writing, talk on the phone or participate in a project. You can also earn commissions from referrals.

Presto Expert You need to connect with their clients via chat, phone or email (you decide which) to answer questions in your area of ​​expertise – or even provide tutoring. After registration, you will create your profile by listing your credentials (education, qualification, etc.) – Potential clients can find you online when they search for different categories. Set your own fees!

serenity Allows you to practice your skills answering clients’ questions through one-on-one phone calls. They mainly deal with freelancers, executives and entrepreneurs. They pay every two weeks and you are able to set your fees and availability through their platform. They charge 15% less for benefits.

I hope I shared a few things with you today that you didn’t already know! Now go out there and find your perfect research work from home and answer questions to your heart’s content. I’d also love to hear about your experiences with this company – so drop me a note when and if you work with them!

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