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Want passive income? Publish a book on Kindle

Of all the passive income ways out there, this is one of my favorites.  And publishing a book on Kindle is easy and cheap.Of all the passive income ways out there, this is one of my favorites. And publishing a book on Kindle is easy and cheap.

Breaking down the barriers

Kindle self-publishing is free (or really cheap)

Unlike traditional publishing, getting a book on Kindle is cheaper. It usually runs me about $15 to get a book ready. I write it then I hire people from Fiverr to proofread, create a cover and format the final draft. If you are a little more tech and graphic savvy, you may be able to publish your work for free.

Kindle publishing is more cost effective than some of the ways we bloggers used to like ClickBank and E-Junky. You don’t have to pay Amazon upfront or monthly subscriptions. They keep 30% of each sale if your book is priced between $2.99 ​​and $9.99, and 70% if your book is priced outside of this range.

Build credibility and gain new followers

The benefits of Kindle publishing are many. By self-publishing you’re not only going to build instant credibility within your niche, you’ll also have the opportunity to reach more potential followers. As people discover and download your eBook on Amazon, you can make them customers for life. Remember to include links to your website, blog and social networks in your book.

Kindle publishing is an easy passive income opportunity

I like publishing on Amazon because they do a lot of work. Even in the months that I don’t promote my books, I can usually count on getting a royalty check regardless. It’s a superstore! I will no longer get people to my site to buy. I don’t need a personal connection with a buyer to get a sale. This sales funnel requires a lot less work than most of us.

not this war and peace

People aren’t downloading Kindle reference manuals. At least I’m not. Most Kindle buyers want something small and sweet. If you’re already blogging regularly, I’m sure you can put together at least 50 pages.

Not just for Kindle owners

There is a common misconception that Kindle books are only available to Kindle owners. This is not true. You don’t leave anyone out by publishing this way. With Amazon’s Cloud Reader, almost anyone can enjoy your offerings.

Launch your book with a giveaway

A free giveaway is an easy way to get your latest ebook off the ground. You can promote the giveaway on your own, reach out to people in your community, or hire someone from Fiverr to market your promotion. This is a great way to gain publicity and possibly reviews. As people download your book, it increases your rank on Amazon, making it more visible within the site. You have to enroll your book in the KDP Select program and of course there are some pitfalls.

It can be a bit intimidating to see hundreds, if not thousands, of free downloads of your e-book copy. But remember, these are people you could never have reached on your own. You can connect with some long-term followers. You may notice an uptick in returns as soon as your gift days. This is common. It totally stinks, but there are plenty of thieves. Don’t worry about them. It is their bad karma. But on the plus side, you may experience a nice uptick in sales the month after a giveaway.

Reject the haters

I think there’s a lot of apprehension and fear about Kindle publishing because it’s such a public platform. You’re going to reach people outside of your community. They don’t “know” you. Amazon solicits reader reviews and it’s much easier to offend someone you don’t know. And there are some people who will complain about anything. Sometimes about things that have nothing to do with your book, they just feel the need to randomly share their bad experiences with whatever you’re talking about. it happens But it’s worth it in the end!

Now let’s start

Your first step in self-publishing on Kindle is research. Start topic intelligence. If you are currently a blogger, it may be easiest to start with a book related to your industry. Do a little keyword research.

Do some market research. Take advantage of that KDP selection gift. Start reading books in your favorite category. And read the review. What do you like and dislike? What do readers want in that niche?

Start writing. Write a page a day if that’s what it takes. That’s the equivalent of one blog post per day. You can make time for it.

Tell me about your journey to publishing a book on Kindle? What have you started? Have you been successful?

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