1. Tips and Tricks

5 work at home jobs for introverts and quiet loners

In today’s post, we look at some great work-at-home jobs for introverts. Face time and phone calls are minimal with these options. These jobs are great for lonely and quiet people.

Does the thought of calling people make you want to run and hide? Do you dread every phone call and video chat? As an introvert, I feel the same way. I don’t like talking on the phone, and video chat is the worst for me.

If working from home meant I had to do these things regularly, I wouldn’t even try.

In today's post, we look at some great work-at-home jobs for introverts.  Face time and phone calls are minimal with these options.  These jobs are great for lonely and quiet people.Many tasks at home require phone and/or video time. Things like customer support, working for call centers, online tutoring and other popular at-home jobs actually depend on it.

But, there’s great news: There are still plenty of work-at-home jobs for introverts like you and me. Some of them are perfect for “being your own boss” in a sense, but many of them are available through more traditional employment.

So if you’re looking for a job where you can hold your nose and get your work done without socializing, here are eight jobs for you to consider. They each allow you to work from the comfort of your own home (or anywhere else you want) and capitalize on your natural skills and abilities.

1. Blogging

You absolutely can Earn money by blogging. To start as a blogger, think about what you want to blog about. To help accelerate your profitability, identify a clear niche and target audience. Know who you are writing for and what you are going to share with them.

Think of a name for your blog. You want something that’s easy to remember and spell, so your fans can easily navigate your site. Set up your domain and hosting (you can follow the instructions In this post), and secure social media accounts that correspond to your blog name Then get to work preparing your site for launch.

Focus on creating quality content. Take some time to make sure your site looks professional, so people want to stick around. Once you have it ready and several articles published, start spreading the word. You need to find a marketing strategy that works for your target audience. Find out where they are hanging out online and go there.

Determine what type of marketing you are comfortable doing. While many bloggers are using live video, others are not. Do what works for you. Pinterest is a great traffic source for many bloggers, as are Facebook groups. They allow you to market behind the scenes, without putting yourself out there until you feel comfortable. As you get to know other bloggers, you can feel more comfortable with the marketing scene.

2. Freelance writing

Many introverts express themselves best through writing. If this is you, consider becoming a freelance writer. You can find freelance writing jobs on a job board, through cold pitching companies or by searching on a site like FlexJobs.

Make sure you put your best foot forward on your pitch. Show why you are a great candidate for the position and include links to any relevant samples. Most importantly though, follow all the instructions in the post. If the client wants you to use the phrase “pink starbursts are the best” somewhere in your email, make sure you do. This shows that you can follow the instructions.

As you secure gigs and get testimonials from happy clients, you can raise your prices. If you specialize in a particular niche, you will command more as a freelance writer.

If you have specific training or experience in writing, such as technical writing or copywriting, you can also find in-house jobs with companies that need that type of writer. It will involve some level of “face time”, but not as much as a call center job.

3. Transcript

copy One of those jobs that can be whatever you do it. Most transcription work is contract based, but you can always find transcription work with a company.

Sites like Rev.com make it easy to pick up a transcription job, and it’s extremely flexible as far as deadlines and tasks go. If you’re looking for something you can really dedicate your days to, though, you can also provide transcription services to businesses and entrepreneurs who are focusing on content in audio and visual forms (such as podcasts and YouTube videos). It requires more work to find clients, but you can make a lot more money.

4. Pinterest VA

If you’re creative and organized, you can make money managing Pinterest marketing for businesses or bloggers. In this position, you will accept their account. This means you’ll create pins, get followers, repin content from others, participate in group boards, and possibly schedule pins with Tailwind or another scheduler.

Once you have some pins, you can start looking at analytics. These can help you identify what’s working and what content is performing best. You can then create more pins for those posts to help keep the campaign going

You can set up your own VA business focused on Pinterest, but another route you can take is to look for digital marketing agencies that offer — or want to offer — Pinterest services to their clients.

This is a role that requires a little bit of back and forth, especially when you’re setting up campaigns and then reporting on them. A large part of the work is self-directed, though, and in this type of business structure, you’re probably only going to interact with one or two point people – which, for many introverts I know, is entirely possible and even enjoyable.

5. Bookkeeping

If numbers are more your style, you can create one Virtual Bookkeeping Services. You can scan your client and upload the receipts to a cloud service like Dropbox Then every month, you can go in and enter those receipts into their accounting software for them and make sure their books are up to date.

You may occasionally have questions about a transaction or need more information. Depending on which service you are using, you may write a comment that the other person can see. Then you don’t have to mess with phone tags or emails to ask your questions.

One thing to remember

Regardless of the type of work-at-home you choose, not all opportunities will be a good fit. There are people who want to recruit who are very extroverted. They prefer regular phone calls or video chats to ensure they stay in the loop.

But, not all jobs are like that. There are many clients and supervisors who would prefer to stick to email or chat. While you may need to make occasional phone or video calls (especially during the hiring process), it won’t be a regular thing.

Make sure you ask about communication expectations at the beginning. This way nothing pops up and surprises you. By choosing your work carefully, you can choose the work with teams and clients that will be the best fit for you.

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