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9 Must-Dos for Your Back-to-School and Back-to-Work Agenda (+Giveaway)

Many of you are putting your kids back on the school bus this week after a nice long summer break.  It also signals the time when many of us get back to serious work at home, taking some time to rejuvenate and soak up the sun.POPSUGAR must be turning 5 this month To celebrate the event, they sent me their August Must Have Box to review. Some of the items in that box are shown below Use the code the party Until August 31, 2017 to get your first $10 off There should be a box.

Many of you are putting your kids back on the school bus this week after a nice long summer break. It also signals the time when many of us get back to serious work at home, taking some time to rejuvenate and soak up the sun.

Many of you may be feeling a little panicked. Maybe you feel like you need to “catch up” on the opportunities you’ve passed up these past few months. Maybe you’re feeling a little confused and don’t know where to start.

Today, I’ve rounded up some of my top jobs to get into the fall season while working from home. It’s time to get back to work and make the next few months count!

Set your goals for the fourth quarter

When was the last time you journaled your thoughts, ideas and dreams? There is no better time than now. Grab a nice notebook and pen and start writing. Where did you go when you started your career? where are you now? What do you want to do in the next few months? What will happen next year? What do you need to do to make that happen?

Nothing motivates and inspires you more than writing things down. It makes you accountable. I will jot this down in my notes Free Spirit Journal from Fringe Studios Which was in my must-have box.

Update your work-at-home resume/portfolio

Fall is a great time to make sure your resume or website is up to date and has the most accurate information. Have you moved? Is there new work history that needs to be added? If you are a freelancer, is your service listing current?

Identify 3 things that are not working

We often hold on to things we already do or have always done. This may be a subscription that we pay for but no longer use. Maybe it’s a client that’s no longer working but you’re trying to avoid that awkward conversation. Maybe you have an online friend who always asks a little more than you should.

Identify at least three things that are working against Your target and eliminate them.

Set your schedule

If you’ve worked from home for any length of time, you know that working by the seat of your pants just doesn’t fly. Scheduling work will ensure that you meet your deadlines and meet the demands of your personal life.

Identify 3 opportunities to increase your bottom line

We see a lot Income opportunities are available at this time of yearSo make sure you take advantage of a few.

Companies are hiring Customer service representative at homeNow for the upcoming holiday season. This is a great opportunity Work at your first work-at-home.

We will soon be thinking about holiday shopping. Make sure you’re signed up with Ebates Some always appreciate getting cash back.

If you’re a blogger, now’s the time to start reaching out to companies about gift guide features.

Set your boundaries

If you’re sending your kids back to public school, you may already be feeling a little daunted by what’s next—the sign-up forms, the “favors” from the traditional 9-to-5 mom, all that. Why can’t you volunteer for every event when you don’t have a job Looks like… now is the time to set your boundaries. What things do you do and what don’t you do? Then, stick with it!

Freshen yourself up

When you’re scheduling those haircuts and doctor appointments for your kids, don’t leave yourself out. Refresh those roots. Get one last pedicure before it’s time to put those flip-flops away. You can even have a spa day at home. It’s a great time of year to break out those masks and peels to shed some of that summer sun damage. I will be used 5 in 1 Bouncy Mask by First Aid Beauty That was in my must have box. FAB has some excellent skin care products. I highly recommend them Ultra Hydration Cream If you have really dry skin – even eczema. I always keep this stuff on hand.

Before we head into the holiday season, make sure you’re nice and healthy and up-to-date on your medical checkups. So it’s not time to worry about that stuff. Get out of the way now.

And while you’re going through the kids’ closets and refreshing their fashion options for fall, take advantage of those sales for yourself. If you’re not comfortable shopping for yourself, I totally recommend signing up for a styling service like Stitch Fix. Your personal stylist will select items based on your budget, lifestyle and body type to try on at home. Keep and pay for items you like. Send the rest back to their money. seriously I’m in tears every time we go somewhere nice because I don’t have anything decent to wear that’s actually waiting for a chance to show off my stylish outfit. This is a game changer. And, it’s affordable!

Fresh up your office

Again, there’s no rule that says those fancy new pencils for sale are only for kids. Now is the time to stock up on discount office supplies. Even laptops are on sale now. Save these requirements whenever you can.

It’s also time to get organized. Clean your desk. Straighten those shelves. Make sure things like receipts are together and easy to find at tax time. Pick up some organizational trays to keep these papers in their place. I’m not much for cocktails, so I’ll be using the Cheers tray from August’s Must Have Box to help organize my office.

Identify 3 real challenges to push yourself out of your comfort zone

Goals and challenges are two different things. Challenges often help us achieve our goals. I love the quote about great things waiting outside your comfort zone. Because it’s true! You have to push yourself to achieve your dreams. You have to scare yourself a little. You have to try things that you think can’t be done. Excuses will always be there for you. won’t get a chance

For many of us this time of year, it’s time to hit the networking scene. Everyone is ready to count down the last few months of the year. Find meetups in your community. Buy a ticket to that blogging or business conference where you find yourself speaking. You may even see me there!


I’m a total sucker for a good tote bag. I have way more than I should. While traveling or going to an event, you need a good bag to hold your notebook, laptop, business cards. You need a stylish bag to help keep you confident and in control.

I chose this awesome tote bag from Charlie Page. Enter below for your chance to win.

Note: This giveaway is not sponsored by Charlie Page or Popsugar Must Have. I bought this bag by myself shoptix Which I learned about through Popsugar Must Have. POPSUGAR Must Have is offering giveaways all month to celebrate their 5th birthday. All current customers are eligible for a chance to win! If you haven’t already signed up, you can sign up before the end of August for a chance to automatically win a *big* surprise every week from the following brands:

  • Week 1: Limited # lucky subscribers will win something Pehr Design
  • Week 2: Limited # lucky subscribers will win something First Aid Beauty
  • Week 3: Limited # lucky subscribers will win something Kendra Scott
  • Week 4: Limited # Lucky Subscribers Subscribers will win something Tarte Cosmetics
  • Week 5 (8/31): 5 Grand Prizes! Limited # of customers from some Cambridge Satchel Co Must have + 1 year

Don’t forget you can save $10 You should have the first box Through 8/31/17 with code the party.

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