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How much does life insurance cost per month?

Life insurance costs vary based on a series of personal factors.

Tamani Chithambo/Getty Images

Everyone dies eventually, but if you have life insuranceYour passing may be a little easier for your family to handle from a financial perspective.

If you die relatively young, for example, your spouse, children or other loved ones may struggle without the help of your income to pay the bills. But a life insurance policy can help fill that gap.

If you’re in the market for life insurance, start by getting a free price estimate so you know exactly what to expect.

How much does life insurance cost per month?

Depends on the reason Like your age, gender, smoking history and more, the monthly cost of life insurance can vary significantly. Life insurance costs Also varies quite a bit based on Type of policy You are looking for.

Life insurance premium for Whole life insurance policyFor example, which may provide lifetime coverage, costs significantly more Term life insurance policy which has an expiry date.

If you’re out of a term policy, you usually won’t collect anything, though there are some exceptions For example you developed a serious illness during the period and had a serious illness the rider for policy. With whole life insurance and other types of permanent life insurance policies, you pay more each month but also get benefits like a build-up. cash value for your policies.

Because whole life insurance policy decisions can be tied to investment considerations (ie, you may feel more comfortable building wealth through a whole life insurance policy versus your own investments), here’s a closer look. Term life insurance policy cost To give you a better idea of ​​what the basic life insurance benefit – the payout in the event of your death – might cost.

You can get your own free price quote for term life insurance policy right now from Haven Life.

Sample life insurance quote

The following monthly quotes are based on $250,000 in coverage no testA 20-year term policy from Haven Life (using Haven is simple Offer) for a California policyholder in excellent health who does not use tobacco, e-cigarettes or other nicotine-containing products. Rates are for illustrative purposes only and may vary based on your circumstances.



A 30 year old policy holder



A 40 year old policy holder



A 50 year old policy holder



Remember that These types of no-test life insurance policies cost more Those that require a medical exam, though, also have specifics that differ based on factors like your age and the insurance provider you’re getting a quote from.

The reason for the high cost of no-exam policies is that insurers essentially take on more risk if they don’t check your health first. But the simplicity of getting a life insurance policy online without a medical exam can cost you extra.

You may not find out as you get older No-examination policy quite easily For example, Haven Simple has a maximum age of 55.5. Another no-exam policy provider, Ladder, has a maximum age of 60.

A 60-year-old man, under favorable conditions, can get a 10-year, $250,000 term life insurance policy from Ladder for about $70 per month, whereas a 60-year-old woman with the same factors would pay about $50 per month.

As you can see, rates go up significantly as you get older and your options can narrow. If you already have one seniorHowever, this does not mean that you are locked out of the life insurance market.

An option is final expense insurance that helps your family pay for things like funerals after you die. These policies have more limited coverage and thus the monthly premiums are often higher Affordable for seniors. If you are younger, you may decide to buy a larger insurance policy while you can still lock in a favorable rate.

That said, rates can vary significantly from person to person and between different life insurance providers. So, it is difficult to generalize. To get a better idea of ​​what your life insurance options look like and to see customized rates, consider completing applications with a few different providers to get life insurance quotes. You can get a free price estimate from Ladder now or you can use the table below to start comparing some of the top providers currently on the market.

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