1. Make money online

Journal Club 01-20-23 – Passive Income MD

Journal Club here 01-20-23! Every week, I put one Journal Club. After filtering articles on the web, I am presenting a few that impacted my life this week Stay safe and stay well!

  • When it comes to investing for your child’s education, the most common option chosen by many parents is the 529 plan There’s nothing wrong with that, except that it might not be the most efficient way to save for college… so, are there any other options? Fortunately, there are multiple ways to do this, and White coat investors She shares more about her preferred method of saving for college in the article – How to Use Real Estate to Pay for College.
  • Are you familiar with Donor Advised Fund (DAF)? The idea behind a DAF is to set up an account to transfer funds today, which can be used for charitable donations in the future. To the author Doctors in numbers, you can invest this money to be able to donate more than you set aside. Now that’s something! Interested in learning more about a donor-advised fund and if it could be a beneficial strategy for you? The author covers more about this in the article – Doing Good by Doing Good: Building a Donor Advised Fund in Fiduciary.
  • We all know what timeshares are but have you ever wondered why they have such a bad reputation? According to its author Financial Success MD, timeshares can be a great resource for planning a wallet-friendly vacation anywhere in the world. Further, the author clarifies some of the misconceptions associated with timeshares by highlighting their many upsides and downsides and encourages us to reconsider investing in them in the article – Why Every Physician Should Own a Timeshare.
  • How do you determine your financial well-being at any given time? To the author Cash cow couple, identifying your assets and liabilities will provide a clearer picture of your financial health. In other words, it will help you calculate your net worth. But why is it important? And how do you track it? The answers you will find in the article – What is your net worth and what does it mean?

Read any interesting articles? We’d love it if you could take a moment to share them in the comments below!

Thank you for reading and sharing,


Disclaimer: The topics presented in this article are provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult your team of professionals.

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