1. Make money online

Journal Club 03-17-23 – Passive Income MD

Journal Club here 03-17-23! Every week, I put one Journal Club. After filtering articles on the web, I am presenting a few that impacted my life this week Stay safe and stay well!

  • By now, most of you have probably heard about the Secure Act 2.0. This recently passed bill makes significant changes to saving for retirement, along with many other things that will take effect over the next several years. Interested in learning more about the bill and how the new changes affect you? White coat investors The post covers all about it – Introduction to Protected Law 2.0. Look at it!
  • If you are interested in investing in rental property, it is essential to thoroughly understand and evaluate the costs and associated risks to better protect your investments. So, if you have questions about managing property vacancies or preventing major repair work from breaking your bank… Coach Carson These questions are answered, and more in the post – Rental property cash reserves: how much is enough?
  • As an investor, you must have heard of Warren Buffett’s two most important rules of investing. It may seem simple at first, but with time and experience you will realize its importance and depth. Curious to know what these two rules are? The Rich Dr The article talks more about it – Don’t lose money.

Read any interesting articles? We’d love it if you could take a moment to share them in the comments below!

Thank you for reading and sharing,


Disclaimer: The topics presented in this article are provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult your team of professionals.

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