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Why New Owners Need Pet Insurance Now

Pet insurance for young pets is usually cheaper than for older ones.

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There are few things more exciting and joyful than bringing home a new pet. A new dog or cat — whether they’re adopted from a shelter or purchased at a local pet store — can be fun and lovable with the promise of adventures for years to come. They can be … expensive.

The ASPCA Estimates suggest that new dog owners will spend about $3,221 in their first year with their pets. Cat owners will do better, but still expect to spend about $2,000 a year. And These costs can only increase Between inflation and broader economic headwinds.

With this in mind, The new owners They should do all they can to offset the inevitable cost Medical care as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are several pet insurance companies on the market that can help. For a modest monthly fee to one of these providers, owners can secure coverage for a variety of vet visits, treatments and medications. While pet insurance can be helpful for pet owners of all types and ages, it is especially beneficial for new owners.

If you’re in the market for pet insurance, start by getting a free price quote so you know what to expect.

Why New Owners Need Pet Insurance Now

Here are three reasons new owners should apply for a pet insurance plan now

cheap policy

Pet insurance isn’t something that gets cheaper the longer you wait. In fact, if you wait to apply later in your pet’s life, you’re guaranteed to pay more than if you’d secured a plan earlier. An older pet is inherently a riskier pet to insure. That risk will be borne by the provider – and will be reflected in higher monthly and annual premiums paid to the owner.

But if you apply now, when your pet is as young and healthy as ever, you can find yourself in the running for affordable care. There are many here Ways to get cheap pet insurance — and some other ways to get it discount – but probably none as effective as applied early in your pet’s life. Get started with a free quote here now.

comprehensive care

Arguably the second best reason to apply after buying or adopting your pet? More comprehensive care and coverage options. Because pet insurance doesn’t work exactly like health insurance for people. Applicants can — and will — be turned down for care if they have it Pre-existing medical conditions. In these cases, companies may elect to cover only other aspects of your pet’s health, or they may reject the application entirely.

But if you apply after bringing your pet home, before any troubling health conditions develop, you’ll be in a better position for comprehensive care. That’s not to say you’ll never be covered if you wait (some pet insurance companies will insure your pet Once the condition in question is cured) That said, it doesn’t make sense to wait and risk rejection. Apply now, get lower prices and secure more comprehensive care. It’s a win-win.

Worry less

As mentioned above, a new pet can bring joy and fun to your home. But it can also bring with it new pressures and costs. You don’t really know your pet and their health until you live with them full-time. It is therefore difficult to prepare for their inevitable medical needs. This uncertainty can create stress in and of itself. But knowing that you have pet insurance to protect both your new pet and your bank account can help alleviate some of these concerns. And with so many different suppliers on the market it should be relatively easy to find one that fits your pet’s needs and your budget. Start shopping for the right provider now here or using the table below.

Bottom line

Pet insurance can provide valuable protection Young pets, Old pets, the puppy And the kitten. But it’s arguably most valuable when protected by new pet owners. Insurance for a pet you just brought home is usually the cheapest (it will get more expensive as your pet ages) and the most comprehensive (it will offer less protection when your dog or cat gets older). And, perhaps most importantly, a pet insurance plan for your new furry family member will give you less to worry about – and more time to focus on welcoming your dog or cat into your home and everyday life.

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