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Avoid these top 5 financial mistakes for smart money management in 2023

No one likes to make mistakes, especially when they can be costly. I know you probably share my perfectionist tendencies and are often risk averse. As physicians, we are trained to carefully consider the risk-benefit ratio before making a decision because we know the consequences of making a costly mistake. While mistakes are inevitable in some aspects of our lives, we must be conscious and intentional about avoiding financial mistakes, as they can be detrimental to our financial well-being and have significant consequences.

As an anesthesiologist, I understand the importance of minimizing mistakes and will do everything in my power to prevent them from happening. While some financial mistakes may seem obvious, like not spending more than you earn, or hiding your money in your mattress, there are some that aren’t as obvious. By being intentional and mindful, we can set ourselves up for greater success in the future.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top five financial mistakes you need to avoid to achieve smart money management in 2023. From not diversifying your portfolio to investing in something you don’t understand, we’ll cover expert tips to help you avoid these mistakes and set yourself up for financial success in the coming year.

So, let’s dive in and learn to avoid these costly financial mistakes in 2023.

Mistake #1: Don’t diversify your portfolio

Diversification is a key concept in investing, but it is not always easy to achieve. While you may think you have a diversified portfolio because you have a mix of index funds and a retirement account, it’s essential to take a closer look. Especially with the current state of the economy, ask yourself “How are my investments holding up?”

It’s important to make investments that move in different directions, so when one asset class is down, another can pick up the slack. If all your investments are in one asset class, such as your medical practice, you may not be as diversified as you think. While it may be tempting to rely solely on your day job for income, there are many factors that can affect this, such as changes in regulations, technology, and the political environment.

For example, during the pandemic, many medical practices experienced reduced revenue due to canceled appointments and elective procedures. If your income is solely tied to your medical practice, this can be a significant financial blow. By diversifying investments, you can reduce the impact of any one sector or asset class on your overall portfolio.

Diversification within asset classes is also essential. For example, if your portfolio consists of only index funds, you may miss opportunities to invest in individual stocks, real estate or other alternative investments that could provide additional diversification and potential returns.

So, take a closer look at your portfolio and see if you are truly diversified. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investments across asset classes to reduce risk and maximize potential returns. By diversifying your investments, you can weather any economic storm and set yourself up for long-term financial success.

Mistake #2: Inadequate insurance

Don’t underestimate the importance of insurance. Make sure you have enough coverage to protect yourself and your assets from the unexpected. One area where many physicians fall short is disability insurance. As we age, our health may change and unexpected accidents may occur, making it difficult to carry out our work duties.

As a physician in my mid-40s, I’m doing my best to stay healthy, but I’ve noticed that my body is changing in ways that are hard to predict. When I first got disability insurance as a resident, it was a “just in case” precaution. However, as I’ve seen colleagues rely on their disability insurance due to health issues, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of having adequate coverage. As physicians, our ability to perform is critical to our income and financial stability. If we are not healthy, we may not be able to perform our job duties, which can have significant financial consequences.

Having the right type of disability insurance is crucial, especially if you’re in a highly technical field like medicine. Without this type of coverage, you may be at risk of not receiving adequate compensation if you are unable to perform your specific occupational duties.

The ability to generate a large income through your work as a physician is one of your greatest assets. It is important to protect these assets with adequate disability insurance. While it may be tempting to think that you can self-insure once your investments generate enough cash flow, having proper insurance is essential until you reach that point.
If you haven’t recently reviewed your disability insurance policy, I recommend speaking with an independent disability insurance agent to ensure you have adequate coverage. Protecting yourself and your financial future should be a top priority, and having the right insurance is a key part of achieving this goal.

Mistake #3: Not taking advantage of the tax code

Let’s face it, Kar is a pain. As a physician, I know that a large portion of my income goes toward taxes. But did you know that the tax code actually contains incentives to encourage certain behaviors that are good for society?

That’s why it’s so important to understand how you can take advantage of the tax code to lower your taxes and increase your income. Know the tax laws and use them to your advantage. Maximize tax-deferred accounts, deductions and credits to reduce your tax burden The first step is to talk to a tax professional who understands your goals and what you are trying to achieve

For example, if you are a real estate investor, finding a tax professional who specializes in real estate can make a huge difference in your tax bill. They can help you understand things like real estate professional status, which can help you convert passive losses from real estate into active losses and offset your W-2 income. In my own experience, finding the right tax professional completely changed what I had in my pocket at the end of the year and allowed me to invest in my future and spend more time with my family.

So, if you’re not getting the guidance you need from your current CPA, it may be time to find someone who fits your goals and needs. Ask your friends and colleagues, or join online communities to find someone who can help you take advantage of the tax code and keep more of your hard-earned money.

Mistake #4: Investing without understanding

One financial mistake you must avoid is investing in things you don’t understand. As a physician, various people have approached me for all kinds of investments, from real estate to various funds to alternative investments. It’s easy to fall prey to the fear of missing out, especially when you’re seen as a high-income professional with money to spare. But the problem is, if you don’t understand investing, you don’t know where the risk is.

Understanding the risks involved in investing is crucial, and proper due diligence is required to mitigate those risks and increase the potential for upside. I’ve seen examples of people investing in things they didn’t understand and losing money along the way. It is important to ensure that your investments are safe and will help you achieve your financial goals.

There are cases where people invest in something they don’t fully understand and end up losing money. For example, they may invest in a medical device that they have no knowledge of, but that just sounds promising. Or they may invest in a real estate development deal they know nothing about and fail to do proper due diligence on the property, sponsor or market. This happens often, and it’s challenging to see which investments are actually worth pursuing To solve this problem, our team created Passive Real Estate Academy And a community around it to support each other, become more knowledgeable and avoid bad investment decisions.

Mistakes can be costly, both in terms of money invested and opportunity costs. That’s why it’s so important to educate yourself and do your due diligence before investing in anything. This is especially important during times of economic uncertainty when people may be afraid to make any type of investment.

Mistake #5: Stop investing in yourself

I completely understand and sympathize with the feeling of wanting to cut costs during tough times, but I believe investing in yourself is one of the best ways to secure your future. We’ve all invested in ourselves in the past by taking out student loans and pursuing higher education, even though success was never guaranteed. But it’s important to continue investing in yourself by attending conferences, networking with other professionals, reading books, and joining communities. Investing in yourself in both time and money will pay off significantly in the long run. So, don’t forget to invest in your own skills and knowledge.

This is a time of great opportunity, and those who are educated, confident and connected to the right resources will reap the benefits over the next 5-10 years. By investing in yourself today, you are planting the seeds of your future success. I know that if you are reading this, you are already investing in yourself, but I want to emphasize the importance of staying hungry and continuing to learn new things. It’s okay to look for new opportunities to learn and grow, but make sure you do your due diligence and invest wisely.

In conclusion…

In conclusion, investing in your financial future is crucial, but it’s equally important to avoid making costly mistakes that can derail your progress. We must all deliberately seek out these mistakes and minimize their risk at all costs. This is the year and time to take an inventory and study your current portfolio. Take the time to review your insurance and determine if it is adequate to protect you and your family. This includes not investing large sums of money without doing due diligence. Now is the time to bet on yourself by continuing to invest in your education, attend conferences, talk to other people, buy books, and join communities that can help you stay ahead.

By avoiding these financial mistakes, we can secure our financial independence, gain peace of mind, and be better prepared to take advantage of future opportunities, even in challenging times. Let’s take these steps and set yourself up for future success!

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