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Top 10 Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

You have a lot of great content on your blog.  Are you getting the most mileage out of it?  Here are 10 great ways to repurpose blog content for extra views If you follow me around the web, you’ve probably seen my recent guest posts and interviews revolve around repurposing and optimizing existing blog content. You’ve put so much work into researching and writing evergreen blog posts, it’s an absolute shame if you hit publish and move on to the next thing to revisit that post. It has a lot of life left in it. Spread everlasting light from it. again And again. And again the other way.

The best news of the day is that the hard part is already done. A few small changes and that content is reaching more people in more places. It brings you more traffic. This further positions you as an expert.


This is one of my absolute favorite ways to reuse content. People prefer to consume content in different ways. Some like to read. Some like to watch. Some like to listen. You may be able to reach a whole new audience by delivering your blog content through a different medium.

You can create something scripted and edited to upload to YouTube. Or, better yet, engage your followers. New live streaming platforms such as Blab, Periscope and Facebook Live allow viewers to ask questions and provide feedback in real-time. There is no better way to connect with your audience. On Facebook and Blab you can add links to your blog posts for those interested.

I recommend downloading the final video from Blab, Periscope or Facebook and republishing it back to YouTube. It only takes a few seconds, so why not? Don’t forget to link back to your blog post and/or embed the video on your site


If you have an exceptionally long post, or a series of posts on the same topic, you might consider turning them into an eBook. This is a great opportunity for passive income as you can offer your ebook from $7 to $25 depending on the length and topic. as a service gumroad Or e-junkies will make the sales process and delivery painful.

Opt-in Freebie

If your ebook is short, you can offer it as a free download to new email subscribers. I’ve created lengthy “101 Ways to Type” posts in .pdf files and offered them as opt-in bonuses below those posts. No one will stay on your blog long enough to complete 101 tasks. Make it available for them to take with you later just make sure you get their email address in return.


We’ve already talked about video, but you can also go for a strictly audio version of your popular posts. And if you go to Blab for your video version, they send you an audio file you can quickly turn into a podcast version.

Share your slides

If you have a tutorial post, consider turning it into slides that can be uploaded later Slideshare. Match your colors and text to your site. Don’t try to stuff your post entirely into slides Just the title and a few quick subheadings, then link them back to your post URL for the rest of the information with a strong call-to-action slide.


I don’t believe infographics have the pull and shareability they once did, but visual learning is huge now. Infographics are perfect for the “scanners” among us. They can also work great for repurposing tutorial or list posts. Canva has a template that you can use if you’re not crazy about graphic design.


Readers come and go over time. There’s a good chance your readers today have never seen the great content you published 6, or 9, or 12 months ago. If you have an incredibly resourceful post, or series of posts on a similar topic, consider making them part of an autoresponder series sent to new email subscribers.

Autoresponders can work in different ways depending on your preferences and comfort level with your current newsletter service. You may want to simply send new subscribers a “welcome” email with a list of your greatest hits You can send a few post recommendations after you promise subscribers a freebie or a day or two after they sign up.

You can send the post in its entirety in email. I have an autoresponder series like this one that sends out an in-depth post on different work-from-home opportunities to specific subscribers over the course of a week. This can be a great way to monetize your emails if your posts include affiliate links PS I use ConvertKit as my email newsletter service. They make this auto responsive and free to customers a snap.

Expand the subject

If your popular blog post is something that could be expanded upon, you have a number of options. You can update the post yourself to include additional information to make it a valuable industry resource. If it’s a list post, you can split each part of the list into their own post to publish on your own site or link to the original as a guest post.

Minimize for social media

Your social media updates are not limited to your post titles. Consider pulling out excerpts or small snippets of your posts as teasers when sharing on social media. You can create images with your quotes to share.

Make it a blog post

Maybe you’re starting with a video or podcast. Hire a transcriptionist or Rev.com to transcribe audio or video files into text that you can use for a post on your blog. I prefer to embed the original audio or video file in the post. This makes it a one-stop resource regardless of how the viewer prefers to learn.

Any time you repurpose your content, make sure you optimize it for search with relevant keywords and an attractive title. You want to send it through your social media channels. You never know who you’re going to catch and when.

What are your favorite ways to repurpose blog content?

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